Seoul, Republic of Korea Korea Institute of Energy Research Integration of Identified Technology Needs with the Current Development Programs UNFCCC/UNDP Expert Meeting on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments Seoul, Republic of Korea April 23-25, 2002 Dr. Sung-Chul Shin Korea Institute of Energy Research
“Energy-Related GHG Emission is dominant (85%) in Korea “Energy-Related GHG Emission is dominant (85%) in Korea. Energy is the solution as well as the cause in Global Warming Challenge.” Contents I. Energy Situation & Energy Policy in Korea II. Main Implementing Programs (RD³) III. International Collaboration R&D IV. Lessons on "Technology Transfer“ V. Conclusion & Suggestions
I. Energy Situation & Energy Policy in Korea Large Energy Demand (10th in the World, GHG 11th) High Import Dependence (97%): Petroleum(6th), Coal(2nd) 3 Key Energy Policy Security (Diversification, Strategic Oil-Stockpile, Overseas Development) Environment Protection (GHG, Toxic Pollutants, etc) Efficiency Enhancement (Restructuring toward Less Energy-Intensive Economy) "Technology" is a Vital Factor in Policy Implementation.
II. Main Implementing Programs (RD³) RESEARCH INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY INDUSTRY DEPLOYMENT ”ESCO” “Minimum Standard Regulation” “VA” “GEF” DEVELOPMENT R&D* DEMONSTRATION ETDP** * R&D: Long-Term Energy Technology R&D Plan **ETDP : Energy Technology Demonstration Program
"Long-Term Energy Technology R&D Plan"(1997~2006) Based on “Energy-Use Rationalization Law”, the Plan was established by the Government (MOCIE) in 1997. Scope: Efficiency/Conservation Technology New & Renewable Energy Technology Clean Energy Technology Target: To reduce 10% of Final Energy Consumption (BAU) by Efficiency Improvement by 2006. To supply 3% of Primary Energy Demand by Alternative Energy Sources by 2006. Budget (2000): 77,794 Million Won (Government 70%, Private 30%)
Budget on Energy R&D in Korea O Increasing budget since 1998 (IMF)
The process to identify the technology needs and to integrate them with R&D Programs was set up. ETDP was introduced to facilitate "Technology Transfer" from the Research Institutes to the Industry. (Total 29 ETDP projects undertaken as of 2001) Selection & Solicitation Evaluation & Award(expert pool) R & D Financial Support Performance & Post Management Survey(Internet) (Researcher, University Industries) (Around 150 R&D Projects awarded annually) (ETDP selection, Patent, Royalty)
III. International Collaboration R&D Besides the domestic R&D, International Collaboration R&D (Bilateral, Multi-lateral) has been encouraged to gain the identified technology needs. Multi-lateral Cooperation: - APEC (5 E/G) - IEA(11 Implementing Agreements) Bilateral Collaboration R&D : - KIER : * 13 projects with U.S., Japan, China, Canada, Russia, India, etc. * Memoranda Of Understanding with 38 Institutes in 16 countries.
Korea Institute of Energy Research Established in 1977 Manpower : 500 (Ph.D. 138) Budget : US$ 50 Million (2001) Major R&D Areas Energy System Technology Advanced Energy Materials and Application Technology Clean Energy Technology New and Renewable Energy Technology Energy Technology Transfer
IV. Lessons on"Technology Transfer” Experience so far indicates that the bottlenecks/barriers to the following should be cleared to bring out satisfactory outcomes. How to compensate? (Knowledge is asset) How to match mutually beneficial and affordable technology? How to build-up the capability? (Know-How/Why) How to secure confidence? (Risk of New Tech). How to provide financial assistance? (Investment Decision)
V. Conclusion and Suggestions Unlike CDM, TT is intangible, with no credit or incentives provided within the context of Convention. In so far as Technology is an asset, TT is business. Voluntary TT can not be expected. ☞ Systematic/Mandatory Approaches are required to facilitate TT. Establishment or Designation of "EST Technology Transfer Education Centers" will be very effective for capability build-up. Decision needs to urge Donors (Annex I Parties) to submit the list of "public" EST and the terms/conditions of its transfer. ☞ Needs assessment should be compatible with the provider’s availability.
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