1 Satan’s Schemes Spiritual Warfare Spiritual warfare describes the struggle we all face to come back to God and go forward with him. No one is exempt from trials and tribulations [like Jesus faced in his wilderness temptation]. In fact, this is often what happens to people God loves very much, for it is part of God’s often mysterious and good plan for turning us into something great. Tim Keller Spiritual Warfare
1 Satan’s Schemes Spiritual Warfare It is especially real for missionaries “on the edge of lostness.” The truth of the Word and watch-and-pray (Matt 26.41) win spiritual battles. Spiritual Warfare
Reality of a spiritual world 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of a spiritual world Our culture follows naturalism and materialism, the belief that nothing exists except matter. Dominic Statham. Miracles can’t happen because physical laws describe what happens apart from any outside force [and there is none]. Dominic Stratham. Spiritual Warfare
Reality of a spiritual world 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of a spiritual world Ergo: there is no reason to conclude that we are more than just bags of chemicals. "The Engineer’s Pulse" blog. Spiritual Warfare
Reality of a spiritual world 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of a spiritual world It rejects the supernatural – no God, no spiritual dimension. So evil must have a natural (sociological/psychological) cause, and can be fixed. [The judicial system must] a) protect society; b) protect the offending individuals from society; c) provide such individuals with appropriate psychiatric help; d) act as a deterrent; and e) alleviate the pain of the victim. Anthony Cashmore, biology prof Spiritual Warfare
Reality of a spiritual world 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of a spiritual world Biblical teaching is clear, evil is a reality, arising the free choice of two creations of beings. Evil came from rebellion against a good and beautiful God. We’re each tainted by evil and personally culpable. Spiritual Warfare
Reality of a struggle with enemies 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of a struggle with enemies Ephesians outlines with three verbs: sit, walk, stand. The Christian life consists of sitting with Christ, walking by him and standing in him. Watchman Nee Spiritual Warfare
1 Satan’s Schemes Spiritual Warfare The Christian life consists of sitting with Christ, walking by him and standing in him. We begin our spiritual life by resting in the finished work of the Lord Jesus. That rest is the source of our strength or a consistent and unfaltering walk in the world. And at the end of a grueling warfare with the hosts of darkness we are found standing with him at last in triumphant possession of the field. Watchman Nee Spiritual Warfare
Reality of a struggle with enemies 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of a struggle with enemies When you became a follower of Christ, you became spiritually alive. [God] raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms... (Eph 2.6) You’re a spiritual being in an “earth suit”. Spiritual Warfare
Reality of a struggle with enemies 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of a struggle with enemies The church is a showpiece to the universe. God’s purpose… was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. (Eph 3.10) One reason you must walk in a manner worthy of [your] calling (Eph 4.1): Spiritual beings are studying your life. Spiritual Warfare
Reality of a struggle with enemies 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of a struggle with enemies As a believer you face supernatural enemies who may (or may not) do their work through people. …against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. (6.12) This hierarchy of spiritual beings opposes God, despises you and seeks to harm you. Spiritual Warfare
Reality of a struggle with enemies 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of a struggle with enemies There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve their existence. The other is to believe a nd feel an unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight. CS Lewis Spiritual Warfare
Reality of a struggle with enemies 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of a struggle with enemies Our struggle against them is intense, “hand-to-hand”, and to the death. Spiritual Warfare
Reality of schemes against you 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of schemes against you Satan has strategies attuned to you. He plays you well. Have you ever fooled around with a piano? Open the top. Press the loud pedal. Then sing a note into the piano as loudly as you can. Stop and listen. You will hear at least one string vibrating in response to the note you sang. ... Here then is a picture of temptation. Satan calls and you vibrate. John White, The Fight Spiritual Warfare
Reality of schemes against you 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of schemes against you He knows what sins “so easily beset you [trip you up] (Heb 12.2) The devil is diabolos, “a liar/slanderer.” Jesus termed him a liar and the father of lies. (Jn 8.44). He uses lies to entice and intimidate you. We must be aware so that Satan will not outsmart us. For we’re familiar with his evil schemes. (2 Cor 2.11) Spiritual Warfare
Reality of schemes against you 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of schemes against you Satan’s strategies include temptation and accusation (Precious Remedies against Satan’s devices, Thomas Brooks; H/T Tim Keller); Excerpts of the 38: Spiritual Warfare
Reality of schemes against you 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of schemes against you Satan’s strategies include temptation and accusation (Precious Remedies against Satan’s devices, Thomas Brooks; H/T Tim Keller); Excerpts of the 38: Spiritual Warfare
Reality of schemes against you 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of schemes against you Temptation: 1) shows the bait, hides the hook; offers short term pleasures 2) rationalizes sin as virtue (not greedy, just thrifty) 3) shows sins of Christian leaders (to justify ours) Spiritual Warfare
Reality of schemes against you 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of schemes against you Temptation: 4) overstresses the mercy of God (God will forgive, that’s his job) 5) makes us bitter over our situation (I’ve suffered, I deserve this) 6) shows how many bad people have great lives 7) gets you to compare one part of your life with another Spiritual Warfare
Reality of schemes against you 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of schemes against you Accusation: 1) causes us to look more at our sin than our Savior; (give 4 or 5 compliments to a child for every criticism) 2) causes us to obsess over past sins with “can’t be undone” results Spiritual Warfare
Reality of schemes against you 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of schemes against you Accusation: 3) makes us think the troubles we’re going through must be God’s punishment 4) our inner thoughts and struggles mean we can’t be Christians Spiritual Warfare
Reality of schemes against you 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of schemes against you Not every day is a life-and-death struggle. Some are the evil day (6.13) when you must stand and resist. You do so by being strong in the Lord using spiritual body-armor, which is the gospel of our Lord Jesus. Spiritual Warfare
Reality of schemes against you 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of schemes against you Tempted? cry out to Jesus who understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin.(Heb 4.15) He’ll give you grace to resist and stand firm. Spiritual Warfare
Reality of schemes against you 1 Satan’s Schemes Reality of schemes against you Accused? point to Jesus, who became sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in him (2 Cor 5.21) He took the penalty of your sin. You have his life, you’re adopted, you’re accepted in the Beloved (Eph 1.6) Spiritual Warfare
1 Satan’s Schemes Spiritual Warfare And you? Aware of the spiritual battle? Standing against temptation and accusation? Watching and praying? Spiritual Warfare
And ROOTS? Imagine a circle of friends who will live for you, love you through the challenges of life, and stick with you forever. Yes!