Individual Development Plan
We will discuss today Why the Professional Development Requirement PD Guidelines Tracking PD Department Responsibilities Professional Development Councilor IDP process Resources
Starting Fall 2016 All Graduate Students must participate in PD This means all students must complete 8 hours of documented Professional Development Training All students must complete an Individualized Professional Development Plan Our Graduate program will assist you in your transition to all sectors of work in your field
Why the PD hours and IDP? Graduate students in some disciplines find it challenging to transition into non-academic careers Underdeveloped professional skills Underdeveloped network Difficulty in articulating skills gained through grad studies Limited awareness of non-academic careers Lack of professional skills in certain areas that contribute to a successful career
PD hours and IDP benefit to students Offers students opportunity to think about career management Help students to: Increase marketability Finish programs quicker Feel more productive Feel ready for the workplace
What “counts” as PD Sessions, workshops, and/or training related to: professional practice Career development Entrepreneurship Teaching Skills training Mentorship Internships Graduate Director ultimately decides
What does NOT “count” as PD? Sessions also used toward ethics requirement Attending a research conference/society Presenting a paper, poster, or talk Giving a performance/concert Attending information sessions about PD, including this one
Tracking PD Individual is responsible for “paper trail” Department will keep a log of your activity FGSR Record of Activities Google sign in (FGSR events) FGSR is creating an on-line tracking system Workshop/course certificates Sign in to department or faculty events
Graduate Studies Dr. Flood will serve as PD counsilor Guide students on balancing program expectations with development of non-disciplinary skills Offer guideance on timeline for program completion Support and encourage activities that foster PD Annually review and re-evaluate IDP at annual meeting
IDP Process Identify 3 career paths Self assessment Develop a timeline Discuss with Dr. Flood Re-evaluate as necessary during training Must have record for requirement to be fulfilled – check regularly with Pat La Pointe Must be done or cannot graduate
Non-Disciplinary Competencies Creativity Communication Collaboration Scholarship Confidence Critical Thinking Ethical Responsibility
IDP Resources for students Three – part series by FGSR Part 1: IDP Orientation Part 2: Get it done Workshop Part 3: Next steps workshop Online: Beyond Grad Students (coming) Department sessions Mentorship How to give a presentation Devloping collaborations FGSR website, PD eBulletin, Grad digest, FGSR Facebook site, FGSR Teaching Circle, CTL