CHFA Market Insights Solution Overview
Program Reporting The program offers web-based reporting solution with interactive dashboards focused in the follow functions: Assortment and Summary Pricing and Distribution Store Distribution Sales Summary Stores Not Selling Store Cluster SKU Rank Pricing Trends EXECUTIVE Assortment Mix Store Performance page1
Sales Summary Benefits Explore sales performance of your business at any level of the product hierarchy over various time frames – in order to understand key trends. This report tends to be a starting point for business analysis that will help guide users to other reports in the solution to drill- down to the areas of greatest opportunity. Benefits - Gain an overview of the key areas of the business in one place - Quickly see the performance of the top department/category - Drill through the report to any level of the hierarchy - Understand key areas of threat and opportunity page1
Assortment Mix Benefits Allows user to understand if the various levels of the category sub-segments have an appropriate distribution of SKUs to support improved sales and performance Benefits - Which sub-segments are growing or declining where profit is not keeping pace? - See what sub-segments have the highest growth - Understand SKU distribution and change along with sales and sales change page1
SKU Rank Optimize the assortment with the best performing SKUs by viewing relative performance within the category at any required level or timeframe. Leveraging Velocity Grouping Methodology, which combines critical elements of item performance into one single metric, determining a SKUs worth to the category. Benefits - Identify key products with low distribution - Understand high / low margin products - Locate low performers to replace page1
Store Performance Rapidly identify which of your stores are under and over performing within the enterprise and also within their cluster. Understand where ‘low hanging fruit’ opportunities are, and focus on stores that need performance improvement. Benefits - Quickly understand your store’s performance relative to competitive market - Identify your strong and weak performing stores at any level of the hierarchy page1
Stores Not Selling Benefits Identify stores that are not selling key items across the business and understand the consequence of low penetration. Locate assortment opportunities at store level whilst leveraging Velocity Grouping Methodology to review only ‘A’ items within the assortment, or all items Benefits - Identify distribution and listing opportunities - Understand potential financial gains - Quantify sales opportunity of listing top performing SKUs sold in the market page1
Store Cluster View indexed measurements on various store groups compared to others to build the right strategies to drive improved performance. Benefits - Shows development and performance relative to wider regional or national market - Drill to your store level information within the same report - Your stores can be compared in a number of ways across the X and Y axis page1
Pricing Trends What price points are driving the most effective promotions? Benefits - Compare impact to benchmark product hierarchy to see what really drives incremental organization sales - Understand pricing trends over time and optimize price for delivering sales goals page1
Distribution Allows user to understand the level of top performing item penetration in each sub-segment of the category and what stores or retailers are missing key items Benefits - Shows opportunity in listings for top performing “A” items compared to previous timeframe - Link to which of your stores are not selling the key items page1