More Odyssey Vocabulary
epic simile noun phrase SYN DEF a simile which extends over several lines, sometimes called “homeric simile”
An epic simile occurs when Homer describes what happens to the eye of the ___________________.
“…and the broiling eyeball burst – its crackling roots blazed and hissed – as a blacksmith plunges a glowing ax or adze in an ice-cold bath and the metal screeches steam and its temper hardens – that’s the iron’s strength- So the eye of the Cyclops sizzled round that stake!”
in media res prepositional phrase SYN DEF Latin for “in the middle of things” - a narrative technique of beginning the story in the middle of the action
___________________begins “in media res.”
epithet n. SYN DEF an adjective or phrase applied to a noun to accentuate a certain characteristic a word or phrase used to insult or abuse
a. “Man’s best friend” is an epithet referring to ___________________. b. She hurled an epithet out the window when the other car____________________.
“back-breaking work” “heartfelt thanks” “stone-cold dead”
aphorism noun SYN truism DEF a concise, pointed statement that reveals a truth or a principle (not quite the same as a proverb)
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” is an aphorism by _________________________.
sage noun and adjective SYN thinker DEF n. a profoundly wise person Adj. wise, with good judgment and experience
a. The old sage in Star Wars is named________________. b. She gave me some sage advice when I _________________________________________________.
rogue noun SYN scoundrel DEF a bad, dishonest person
n.That rogue just ran over here and stole my _______________________!
assuage verb SYN mitigate DEF to make milder or less severe, to alleviate pain or discomfort
My hunger was assuaged when I _________________.
rancor noun (rancorous: adjective) SYN malice DEF bitter resentment, ill will, bad feelings
Can we please conduct this ________________________ without the rancor of the last one?
implacable adjective SYN uncompromising DEF impossible to comfort, appease, or assuage
His good efforts were met with implacable _____________________; nobody could understand how he could hang on to anger for that long.
bereft adjective SYN deprived DEF to be deprived of something and as a result be lonely and miserable
He was bereft of all sense of fun after _______________. The teacher felt bereft when all of her students finally ___________________.
insolent adjective SYN impertinent DEF boldly rude or disrespectful, insulting
As the young woman walked insolently into the office, the CEO knew she had to_____________________.