Family Engagement Project By Kristin Vining
What is it? This event would be a potluck style gathering to bring families and their students together for a night of sharing different cultural foods and activities as well as allowing parents a chance to see their students in a school environment and interact with the teacher in a face-to- face setting.
Why have a potluck? Who is it designed for? A potluck would give students a chance to invite their parents to the school once a month It would also allow parents to participate in a school activity by bringing a family dish for the meal The potluck would be for all of the students in the classroom Families from culturally diverse backgrounds would have the opportunity to share a piece of their culture with the rest of the classroom Why and Who?
Goals of the Potluck The potluck will include families of diverse backgrounds in the classroom environment and draw on family experiences and traditions.
When? The event would take place once a month after school. The time and day would be decided based on family availability. This could be done through a survey to decide what time and day works best for the majority of families.
How will it work? At the beginning of the year, a newsletter will be sent home suggesting the potluck to families and asking for a survey to be completed or to expect a phone call. The teacher would provide food for the first potluck and encourage parents to bring a family dish.
What will it look like? The potlucks would take place in the classroom if possible. Families would be invited to eat and then participate in the activity that was chosen for the month.
Activities? A game could be planned for students and families to both participate in A movie could be watched in a different language Families could have a storytelling activity Students could put on a play Activities would be left up to the students to vote on or decide what activity style will be used for the month’s potluck
Possible Extensions Families could have a greater part in deciding on what activity will be done to better focus on a culture for the month There could also be an “art walk” of student work during the meal portion of the potluck for family to observe student work
Recommendations for Implementation A survey could be sent home to see if families would be interested in participating in a potluck once a month Families could also be asked if they enjoy the potlucks and if they wish for the potlucks to continue.