Annual Title I Parent Meeting 2017-2018 inspire . innovate . excel
What is Title I? Title I helps students, teachers, and parents! Children do better in school and feel better about themselves. Teachers understand the needs and concerns of students and parents. Parents understand their child and are more involved in their child’s education. Gives us supplemental funds. Last year, we spent our Title I funds on: Salaries for teachers and our Instructional Coach Instructional resources for math, ELA, science and social studies Technology hardware and software inspire . innovate . excel
We are a Title I Schoolwide school! All students benefit from Title I. More teachers Instructional Coach Funds to purchase instructional materials and technology that we would not be able to receive otherwise inspire . innovate . excel
All schools in Putnam County are Title I schools! Putnam County Primary School was named a 2016 Highest Performing Reward School. Putnam County Elementary School and Putnam County Middle School were named 2016 High Progress Reward Schools. inspire . innovate . excel
How will our Schoolwide Plan be assessed for effectiveness? Identified goals Needs assessment Effectiveness is evaluated annually. A review team will convene in the spring of each school year. All parents are invited to be on the team! inspire . innovate . excel
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Georgia Standards of Excellence The school’s curriculum Types of assessments Reports to parents Understanding of proficiency levels inspire . innovate . excel
We want Parent and Family Engagement! School Parent and Family Engagement Plan District Parent and Family Engagement Plan School-parent compact Purpose of these documents Located on school website Reviewed annually and changes made to the documents. All parents will be invited to attend the spring meetings to review these documents. inspire . innovate . excel
Parent’s Right to Know Right to request teacher and paraprofessional qualifications Located on the district and school websites inspire . innovate . excel
Federal Programs Complaint Procedures Purpose-gives a protocol to follow when parents have questions or concerns about how federal funds are being spent or when a parent has questions/concerns about a federal program Located on the school and district websites inspire . innovate . excel
Funding for Parent and Family Engagement Activities Have to set aside 1% of the system’s Title I funds for parent and family engagement activities Parents will have input into how this money will be spent How we spent last year’s Parent Involvement funds inspire . innovate . excel
Parent and Family Engagement Right to become involved Right to request opportunities for regular meetings Right to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of your child The school must respond to any suggestions from parents as soon as practicably possible. inspire . innovate . excel
For Additional Information If you would like to know more about Title please contact.. Kelly Roberts Assistant Superintendent for Student Achievement and Accountability 706-485-5381 inspire . innovate . excel