25 Years of EAMA EAMA-10 27-30 September 2016, @Seoul, Korea ー from Regional Cooperation to Regional Coordination ー Invited Paper Norio Kaifu 1) , Cai-pin Liu 2) , and Se-Hyung Cho 3) 1) National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan 2) Purple Mountain Observatory, China 3) Korean Astronomy and Space Institute, Korea
Contents 1. EAMA and its Growth 2. Development of Astronomy in East-Asian Region 3. From Regional Cooperation to Regional Coordination 4. Summary Contents
1. EAMA and its Growth 1-1. Start of EAMA Continuous organization of China-Japan-Korea astronomer’s meetings was proposed by Se-Hyung Cho 趙 世衡 “Star Forming Regions” @ Huangsan, China Organized by Cai-pin Liu 劉 彩品 Norio Kaifu 海部 宣男 (50 from China, Japan, Korea)
1-2. What is EAMA? Why is EAMA? 1. EAMA and its Growth 1-2. What is EAMA? Why is EAMA? ・ EAMA is an astronomers-based (grassroots) cooperation in EA since 1990. ・ China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan as Core Regions + other Asian Countries. ・ We are neighbors living close together, with common cultural background and way of thinking. ・ But before EAMA …… We did not know astronomy in neighboring countries well, and tried to cooperate with US/European countries bypassing each other. ・ EAMA aimed better regional understanding through continuous and systematic cooperation.
Overview of EAMA Symposia (attendee) 1990 “Star Forming Regions” Huangsan, China (Start of EAMA) (50) 1992 “Millimeter-Wave and Infrared Astronomy” Daejeon, Korea (100) 1995 “Ground-Based Astronomy in Asia” Tokyo, Japan (215) 1999 “Observational Astrophysics in Asia and its Future” Yunnan, China (118) 2001 “EAMA Core Meeting” Taipei, Taiwan (discussion for organizing EAYAM ► 2003 EAYAM -1 2003) (60) 2004 “Asian View of Cooperation in Astronomy” Seoul, Korea, EAVN Consortium established and EACOA, ALMA, EAYAM WG proposed (130) ► EACOA established, KASI 2005 2007 “East Asian Network of Astronomy: Research, Education and Popularization” Fukuoka, Japan (140) 2010 “East Asian Network on Astronomy” Shanghai, China (100) 2013 “Cooperation on Current and Future Astronomy” Jhongli, Taiwan (140) ► EAO was established by EACOA in 2014 2016 “The 10-th East Asian Meeting on Astronomy” Seoul, Korea
1-3. EAMA Working Policies 1. EAMA and its Growth 1-3. EAMA Working Policies --- Established in 2nd EAMA (1992) - 6th EAMA(2004)--- ● Promote cooperation of astronomy in East Asia ● Promote mutual understanding and exchange ● Promote realistic and effective cooperation ● Organize symposia regularly (once a 3years) ● Organize working groups for various purposes ● East Asian Observatory as a future target
1-4. Proposal of EACOA, and EAO in Future (2004) 1. EAMA and its Growth 1-4. Proposal of EACOA, and EAO in Future (2004) Present EAMA (Next Step) EAMA activities with WGs + EA Core Observatories Association (EACOA) (Intermediate Structure) United Observatories Funding Agencies (Future Target) East Asian Observatory Proceedings of EAMA-6 @ Seoul 2004, N. Kaifu A Letter from EAMA-6 which recommended establishment of EACOA was sent to directors of NAOC, NAOJ, KASI, and ASIAA
EACOA was established (2005) EAMA & other cooperation activities Directors Meeting EAMA & other cooperation activities EAMA symposium EAYAM meetings EA VLBI Consortium ALMA EA Consortium 2-m Telescopes WG EACOA Fellowship …………… NAOC Financial & Supporting Committee fund optional/ voluntary/ regular/ donation KASI EACOA Office with EACOA Funding ASIAA EAA News? NAOJ Continuous and evolving activities Conclusion of MOU for EACOA at NAOJ, 2015
NAOC EACOA EAO EAMA NAOJ KASI ASIAA 1. EAMA and its Growth 1-5. From Grass-root Cooperation to Institute-level Coordination Proposed Missions of EACOA (2005) ・ Regular directors’ meetings (at least once a year) ・ Promote resource sharing and exchange in EA region ・ Support EAMA and other cooperation activities ・ Coordination in EA for future direction and projects as stiff platforms ・ “East Asian Observatory” as a future target EAO was established by EACOA in 2014 NAOC EACOA EAO Institute level coordination EAMA Astronomers level cooperation NAOJ KASI EAYAM, EAVN, Symposia, WS, etc. ASIAA EA Universities & Astronomers Communities
1-6. Establishment of EAO (2014) Roles of East Asian Observatory 1. EAMA and its Growth 1-6. Establishment of EAO (2014) Roles of East Asian Observatory Operated by EACOA Observatories: NAOC, NAOJ, KASI, ASIAA to….. ・ Jointly operate JCMT @ Mauna Kea ・ Involve other large telescopes into joint operation ・ Foresee future new joint projects as a “Third Party” (⇒ “Report on EAO” by Dr. Paul Ho) Conclusion of MOU for EAO, 2014
1-7. Products of 25 years of EAMA 1. EAMA and its Growth 1-7. Products of 25 years of EAMA ● A variety of contacts, exchanges and cooperation ● EAYAM: East Asian Young Astronomers Meeting ● EAVN: East Asian VLBI Network (including KaVA) ● ALMA Regional Consortium (ALMA ARC) ● Site search (toward “East Asian Observatory” site) ● EACOA: East Asian Core Observatories Association ● EAO: Established by EACOA ● ・・・・What comes next?
2. Development of Astronomy in East-Asian Region 2-1. Major Astronomical Institutes/Facilities in Asia-Pacific Region year institute country/reg. major observing facility 1961 Parkes Australia 64-m Radio Telescope 1974 AAO Australia AAT 3.9-m 1982 NRO Japan (TAO) Nobeyama 45-m & mm- Array 1988 NAOJ Japan NRO, Subaru, VERA, ALMA 1990 ATNF Australia Parks, ATCA, ASKAP 1993 ASIAA Taiwan SMA, AMiBA, ALMA 2000? NCRA India GMRT 2001 NAOC China LAMOST 2004 KASI Korea KVN, ALMA 2008 NARIT Thailand TNO 2.4-m
2-2. East-Asian Top-level Facilities VERA 2003- SMA 2004- Hinode 2006- Subaru 1999- NRO45 1982- AMiBA 2011- NRO-NMA 1986- LAMOST 2011- KVN 2011- ALMA 2013-
2-3. Publications by NAOJ, ASIAA & KASI ← ASIAA ← NAOC ← KASI EAMA-1 1990 1991 EAMA-2 1992 1993 1994 EAMA-3 1995 1996 1997 1998 EAMA-4 1999 2000 2001 EAMA-5 2002 2003 EAMA-6 2004 2005 2006 EAMA-7 2007 2008 2009 EAMA-8 2010 2011 2012 EAMA-9 2013 2014 Ref. Annual Reports of NAOJ, ASIAA and KASI ← ASIAA ・BOAO 1.8m ・Delingha 14m ・Subaru 8.2m ← NAOC ・VERA ・SMA ← KASI ・Yunnan 2.4m ・HINODE/AKARI ・AMiBA ・LAMOST ・KVN ・ALMA 2-3. Publications by NAOJ, ASIAA & KASI No. of papers 0 200 400 600 800
2-4. IAU Individual Members of East-Asian and Pacific National Members See rapid increase in Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan
2-5. IAU Individual Members (2015, Top 32 National Members) 〜 USA: 2766 Red: Asia and Pacific members Purple: North American members Blue: European members Green: Latin American members Orange: African and Mid-East members
2-6. Jump of Astronomy in East Asia in a Quarter C.: 1990 - 2015 2. Development of Astronomy in East-Asia Region 2-6. Jump of Astronomy in East Asia in a Quarter C.: 1990 - 2015 (1990 ⇒ 2015) ・ Number of Core Astronomical Observatories: 1 ⇒ 5 ・ Top level Ground-based Telescopes: 2 ⇒ 10 ・ Number of EA IAU Individual Members: 700 ⇒ 1700 ・ Number of Publications per Year : 100 ⇒ 800 (NAOJ + ASIAA + KASI) ・Astronomy in East Asian Region was developed dramatically. ・Cooperation in East Asian Astronomy is now closer, more diverse, and higher-level. ・EACOA established EAO, and role of EACOA/EAO will be important in global astronomy in future. ・Role of EAMA will change based on these new situation.
3. From Regional Cooperation to Regional Coordination 3-1. Evolution of EA Cooperation A Consideration on EAMA/EACOA/EAO: Toward a new Stage of EA Cooperation/Coordination ・Now we need more robust and stable structure of cooperation. ・We need high “Astronomers level” activities also. ・The role of EACOA should be expanded and strengthened. ○ EACOA should involve more community power (universities etc). ○ EACOA should establish wider and robust network. ○ Supporting structure (and Funding ?) of EACOA should be strengthened.
Why “Regional Coordination” in the Era of Global Cooperation? 3. From Regional Cooperation to Regional Coordination Why “Regional Coordination” in the Era of Global Cooperation? 3-2. Regional Coordination in the Era of Global Coordination 1. Really good international coordination is an equal-footing one, supported by science & technology of member countries. 2. International cooperation are activated and supported by international competitions, and such competitive cooperation works better within the adjacent countries located in the same region than among countries geographically and culturally distant. This is why Europe needed the ESO. 3. Huge global projects in 21th Century will be successful, when they are supported by 1) strong astronomy of each nations, and by 2) regionally coordinated firm platforms. 4. In fact, ALMA is supported by three regional consortiums; North America, Europe, and East Asia. It is a very successful case of global large-scale project.
3-3. Current Ongoing Major Regional Cooperation 3. From Regional Cooperation to Regional Coordination 3-3. Current Ongoing Major Regional Cooperation VLBI VERA-KVN (Korea + Japan) East Asian VLBI (Korea + Japan + China +….) APT: Asia-Pacific VLBI (Australia + China + Japan + Korea…) JCMT Mauna Kea (EACOA_EAO: UK, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan) ALMA EA-ARC : East Asian ALMA Research Center (Japan + Taiwan + Korea + China + ….)
3-3. Planned Major Regional Cooperation 3. From Regional Cooperation to Regional Coordination 3-3. Planned Major Regional Cooperation Future of Asia-Pacific Astronomy TMT (Japan, China, India, …) GMT (Australia, Korea, ….) SKA (Australia, New Zealand, China, India, …) SPICA (Japan, Korea, ….) Antarctic Astronomy (China, Japan, Australia, NZ, … ) Mauna Kea (EACOA: China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan)
EACOA 3-3. Future Direction of EAMA and EACOA (Astronomers Level) 3. From Regional Cooperation to Regional Coordination 3-3. Future Direction of EAMA and EACOA More Important Role of EACOA (Astronomers Level) EAMA EAYAM (Institutes Level) EACOA ASIAA NAOC NAOJ KASI Support Universities Other Institutes Institute Level + Astronomers Level EACOA EAMA Joint Facilities, Joint Organizations (►EAO) Universities Other Institutes EAYAM, EAVN, Symposia, WS, etc.
3-4. Flow and Evolution of EA Regional Cooperation 3. From Regional Cooperation to Regional Coordination 3-4. Flow and Evolution of EA Regional Cooperation EAMA (since 1990) : Astronomer level Cooperation EACOA (since 2005) : Institute level Coordination EAO (since 2014) : Joint Core Institutes level Coordination Toward “Third Party” Regional Coordination (North America, ESO, and EAO) ★ South-East Asia SEAAN (since 2007, South-East Asia Astronomy Network) Astronomer & Institute level Cooperation
4. Summary ・ EAMA, started in 1990 as a grassroots cooperation by East Asian astronomers, brought many important products like EAYAM, EAVN, EA-ARC, site search, and EACOA. ・ EACOA, institute-level coordination proposed by EAMA and established in 2005 by four core observatories, provided a firm platform for coordination of astronomy in EA. ・ EAO, established by EACOA in 2014, operates important facilities and aims to be a base for future joint large projects. ・ Regional coordination will be a key of global astronomy in 21th Century. EACOA and/or EAO could be a “third party” regional body in the world, and will be able to act as one of the equal-footing members of global scale facilities in future. ・ Role of EAMA, as an astronomers based cooperation, would be to further promote bottom-up activities and to provide voice of EA astronomers community to EACOA/EAO. 4. Summary
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