Mrs. McDaniel Mr. Mayer Mr. Nobbe Mrs. Siebert Ms. Patterson
shocked excited surprised confused nervous
baking cookies washing dishes playing Scrabble coaching soccer horseback riding
Angelina Jolie Ryan Gosling Taylor Swift Katy Perry Justin Timberlake
Valentine’s Day Halloween St. Patrick’s Day the 4th of July April Fool’s Day
Walmart Burger King Home Depot Starbucks Target
a hot-air balloon a tank a police car a train a school bus
tu-tus bow-ties clown shoes wetsuits elf costumes
doing jumping jacks eating jelly beans juggling bird watching washing dishes
everyone else was doing it they are that awesome they had nothing else to do they wanted to win a bet they were dared to do it
(D – Ms. Lindstrom) (B – excited) 12. 1 (A – baking cookies) 19 (D – Ms. Lindstrom) (B – excited) 12.1 (A – baking cookies) 19.6 (E – Justin Timberlake) (C – St. Patrick’s Day) (C – Home Depot) (E – a school bus) (D – wetsuits) (A – doing jumping jacks) (B –they are that awesome)