Year 1 - Term 4, Day 22 Review.


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Presentation transcript:

Year 1 - Term 4, Day 22 Review

Today is ________________. Block 1: Opening Daily Review You will need to type the date each day in the PowerPoint or write it on the board. As the program progresses, consider having students write or contribute to the daily message. Topic Suggestions: Teacher says; students repeat. Weather: “It is hot today.” Activities taught yesterday: “We learned the letter ____ yesterday.” Activities for today: “Today, we will write our names.” Teacher Note Use "Frere Jacques“ melody to sing: Today is _______. Today is _______. All day long, all day long. Yesterday was ______. Tomorrow will be _______. Oh what fun! Oh what fun! Activity: Daily Message Chant Today is ________________. Students, this is our daily message. It tells us the date. Please follow along as I read the sentence. “Today is ____________ (day of the week, day of the month, month of the year and year.)” Message What is today’s date? “Today is _______________.” Tell your partner the date. Checking for Understanding

Block 1: Opening Click here to hear the sounds. Daily Review Review different letter sounds and letter patterns. Day 22 covers r-controlled letter patterns. R-Controlled Letter Pattern Poster Consonant Blend Poster (beginning and ending blends) Letter Pattern Poster (with /ow/: ow/ou & /oi/: oi/oy) Short and Long oo Poster Silent Letter Poster The Letters C and G Poster Double Consonant Poster Digraph & Trigraph Poster Long Vowel Poster (Remind the students that the long u has two sounds: long u and /oo/. ) Teacher Note: Method of Delivery

thank then much help day long first before after know tell which full Block 1: Opening Daily Review High-Frequency Words thank then much help day long first before after know tell which full also of than once has an from every Teacher selects five or more high-frequency words to review. Select the words based on student needs and time. Consider creating a word wall with all the high-frequency words taught up to term 3. Teacher first reads a High-Frequency Word. Students chorally read the High-Frequency Word. CFU options: 1. Teacher asks for non-volunteers to read the word he is pointing to aloud. 2. Teacher asks students to put their finger on the word ________. 3. Teacher asks students to whisper the word he is pointing to. 4. Teacher asks students to read the word she is pointing to in a squeaky voice. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery

We will identify and produce rhyming words. Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Identify and produce rhyming words.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Learning Objective What will we do with words? We will ________ and ________ words. Declare the Objective We will identify and produce rhyming words. Guided Practice Rhyming words have the same ending sound. Concept Listen to the set of words. Do the words rhyme? yes or no How do you know? If no, which word does not rhyme? Produce a word that rhymes. 1 cart, start, smart 2 chin, skin, skip 3 snack, stack, slick 4 green, bean, queen Part 1 Read the series of words. Teacher asks, “Do the words rhyme? Yes or no?” Teacher says, “How do you know?” Provide sentence frame: “The words rhyme because ____________.” If the words do not rhyme teacher says, “Which word does not rhyme?” Read the series of words for the students again. Allow students to say the words, too. Then, ask the students to produce a word that rhymes with the other words. “Produce a word that rhymes with chin and skin.” Part 2 Teacher says, “Listen to the words: air and hair. Produce a word that rhymes with air and hair.” (Call on 4-5 non volunteers to produce a third rhyming word. Students should say all three words such as air, hair, chair.) Effective Feedback: If students answer incorrectly, or do not have a response, de-escalate by providing other rhyming words. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery yes no Answers will vary. no Answers will vary. Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? yes Listen to the set of words. Produce a rhyming word. 5 air, hair 6 road, load 7 born, corn 8 knight, light Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Answers will vary.

We will make new words. Make a new word. -ay Block 2: Phonemic Awareness (Make new words.) Learning Objective To make new words, change the beginning sound. Remember the Concept We will make new words. Skill Development & Guided Practice Make a new word. -ay h/ay p/ay pl/ay cl/ay Students are practising making a new word by changing beginning sounds, digraphs and consonant blends can be used as beginning sounds. Say the word (hay). Teacher and students alternate five times. Teacher separates the sounds by onset and rime: h/ay. Teacher and students alternate five times. Teacher will say, “Now, we will change the /h/ in hay to /p/. Now pay p/ay (onset/rime).” Teacher and students alternate five times. Say the new word p/ay = pay Continue to change and add sounds to make new words such as /p/ in team to /p/ /l/ in play and /c//l/ to make the new word clay. Effective Feedback: If students answer incorrectly, or do not have a response, de-escalate by repeating the beginning sound and by segmenting by onset and rime. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery

Wheel of FUN WOF# 1995 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Brain Break Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note Wheel of FUN 1920-1980 1980-2040 2040-2100 2100-2160 1800-1860 1860-1920 2148 1860 1990 1933 1873 2136 2109 1905 2150 1864 2095 1874 2153 1822 2080 1991 1875 2056 1976 1940 1928 1818 2145 1970 2147 2076 2120 1911 1919 2017 1838 1982 1914 1930 2097 2133 Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Activity 1 Find it Fast! Call out a colour or other trait (something around the room). Students must find the object in the room that fits that trait and get to it quickly. Activity 2 Act Like A Pro Have students act out various sport moves for 5-10 seconds. For example, have students act out scoring a soccer goal. Other ideas: shoot a basket, swing a bat, serve a tennis ball, ski down a hill, spike a volleyball, throw a football, shoot an arrow, swim in a pool and box with gloves. Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches.) Activity 4 Teacher’s Choice Activity 5 Wiggles Have students stand and do the wiggle: First wiggle fingers; Then fingers and wrists; The fingers, wrists and forearms; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, head. Activity 6 Six Spot (Label six spots around the room from 1-6. Have students go to a spot of their choice. Roll the die. All the students at that number rolled must go back to their seats. Students that are left go to a new spot. Roll the die again until one student is left.)

R-Controlled Patterns Block 3: Phonics / Letter formation (Read r-controlled words.) Click here to hear the sound. Learning Objective We will read r-controlled words. Emphasise to the students that the letter “r” must come after the vowel for it to be an r-controlled word. The letter “r” usually changes the sound of the vowel. The vowel is neither short nor long. The vowel makes a different sound or no sound at all, such as in corn or car. Teacher Note Concept Development R-controlled Pattern: When the letter “r” comes after a vowel, it changes the vowel sound. R-controlled patterns with “or”, and “ar” are usually found at the beginning, middle or end of words. Positional Frequency ir /Ər/ bird Say the sound of the r-controlled pattern –or and ar. Is the r-controlled pattern –or in the word fork? Yes/No Is the r-controlled pattern –ar in the word arm? Yes/No Checking for Understanding R-Controlled Patterns – or, /or/ – ar, /ar/

Does the word have an r-controlled pattern? Block 3: Phonics / Letter formation (Read r-controlled words.) Click here to hear the sounds. Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Skill Development & Guided Practice Does the word have an r-controlled pattern? jar yard rain fort Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Look at the word. Does the word have an r-controlled pattern? (Remind the students that r-controlled pattern words have a vowel then the letter “r” and that the pattern –or and -ar usually comes at the beginning, middle or end of words. Teacher then students; Pair-Share, call on non-volunteers, and use yes/no whiteboards.) Say the r-controlled sound. (Teacher says the r-controlled sound then students. Alternate between teacher and student five times; Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers.) Read the word. (Teacher uses smooth blending to read the word such as j(hold the –ar sound), y(hold the –ar sound)d, rrraaainnn and fff(hold the –or sound)t. Alternate between teacher and student five times; Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers.) Effective Feedback: If students answer incorrectly, or do not have a response, de-escalate by repeating the word and sound several times by onset and rime or segmenting. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery or - /or/ ar - /ar/ R-Controlled Pattern

Does the word have an r-controlled pattern? Block 3: Phonics / Letter formation (Read r-controlled words.) Click here to hear the sounds. Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Skill Development & Guided Practice Does the word have an r-controlled pattern? cord horn rope park Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Look at the word. Does the word have an r-controlled pattern? (Remind the students that r-controlled pattern words have a vowel then the letter “r” and that the pattern –or and -ar usually comes at the beginning, middle or end of words. Teacher then students; Pair-Share, call on non-volunteers, and use yes/no whiteboards.) Say the r-controlled sound. (Teacher says the r-controlled sound then students. Alternate between teacher and student five times; Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers.) Read the word. (Teacher uses smooth blending to read the word such as c(hold the –or sound)d, h(hold the –or sound)n, rrrooope and p(hold the –ar sound)k. Alternate between teacher and student five times; Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers.) Effective Feedback: If students answer incorrectly, or do not have a response, de-escalate by repeating the word and sound several times by onset and rime or segmenting. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery or - /or/ ar - /ar/ R-Controlled Pattern

1. The stork has long orange legs. Block 3: Phonics / Letter formation (Read r-controlled words.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Skill Development & Guided Practice 1. The stork has long orange legs. 2. The cars are ready to start the race. 3. We had to leave the park when the storm started. Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Look at the sentences. Read the sentence. (Teacher reads and students track. Then, teacher and students read together. Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers to read a sentence.) Teacher Note: Method of Delivery or - /or/ ar - /ar/ R-Controlled Pattern

Block 3: Phonics / Letter formation (Read r-controlled words.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Skill Development & Guided Practice The Farm Yard The farmer is sitting on the tractor. The tractor is pulling a cart full of kids. The farmer drives around the farm yard. He drives past the pumpkins. He drives past the corn field. The kids are having a lot of fun on the farm. Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Read The Farm Yard. Read the text using r-controlled patterns –or and –ar sounds to sound out the words. (Teacher reads and students track. Then, teacher and students read together. Pair-Share then call on non-volunteers to read a sentence.) Teacher Note: Method of Delivery or - /or/ ar - /ar/ R-Controlled Pattern

We will write r-controlled words. Block 3: Phonics/Letter Formation (Write r-controlled words.) Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Learning Objective We will write r-controlled words. What will we write? We will write _______. Declare the Objective Skill Development & Guided Practice Write words. 1 Trace the word. 2 Write the word on your own. 1 How did I/you trace the word? 2 How did I/you write the word? Checking for Understanding Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Handwriting Workbook p. 161 A verbal path for the letter is available in the appendix of the Handwriting Workbook. Teacher Note

Wheel of FUN WOF# 2045 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Brain Break Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note Wheel of FUN 1920-1980 1980-2040 2040-2100 2100-2160 1800-1860 1860-1920 2148 1860 1990 1933 1873 2136 2109 1905 2150 1864 2095 1874 2153 1822 2080 1991 1875 2056 1976 1940 1928 1818 2145 1970 2147 2076 2120 1911 1919 2017 1838 1982 1914 1930 2097 2133 Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Activity 1 Find it Fast! Call out a colour or other trait (something around the room). Students must find the object in the room that fits that trait and get to it quickly. Activity 2 Act Like A Pro Have students act out various sport moves for 5-10 seconds. For example, have students act out scoring a soccer goal. Other ideas: shoot a basket, swing a bat, serve a tennis ball, ski down a hill, spike a volleyball, throw a football, shoot an arrow, swim in a pool and box with gloves. Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches.) Activity 4 Teacher’s Choice Activity 5 Wiggles Have students stand and do the wiggle: First wiggle fingers; Then fingers and wrists; The fingers, wrists and forearms; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, head. Activity 6 Six Spot (Label six spots around the room from 1-6. Have students go to a spot of their choice. Roll the die. All the students at that number rolled must go back to their seats. Students that are left go to a new spot. Roll the die again until one student is left.)

We will read high-frequency words. Block 4: High-Frequency Words & Voc. Development Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will read high-frequency words. What will we read? We will read _______. Skill Development & Guided Practice A high-frequency word is used more than other words. Remember the Concept Teacher points to a word and says: Read this word ____. Point to a sentence and say: Read this sentence. Checking for Understanding High-Frequency Sentences p. 105 Teacher and students read the high-frequency word, alternating between each other five times. Please feel free to orally add more sentences to emphasise the meaning of a high-frequency word. Teacher Note

Lesson Vocabulary Block 4: High-Frequency Words & Voc. Development Define any difficult words from the story or lesson that will be read today. Teacher reads the word first, and then students read the word. Teacher provides or reads the definition of the word, while students track with their fingers. Then, students read the definition with the teacher. Consider providing gestures for students, if appropriate. Teacher Note

Teacher Guided: Phonics Rotational Activity 2 Write sentences Block 5: Performance & Rotational Activities Rotational Activity 1 Teacher Guided: Phonics Rotational Activity 2 Write sentences Rotational Activity 3 High-frequency words Rotational Activity 4 Teacher Guided: Write a narrative. Click the to go directly to the activity. Teacher gives directions for each rotational activity. Teacher Note Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil to each student. Directions: Ask the students to look at the first picture. Say the name of the picture. Say the name of the second picture. What sound changed to make the new word? Circle the letter that makes that sound. Then, write the new word on the line. Assist students with writing the beginning, ending and vowel pattern sounds. For example, say coat. Say boat. What sound changed to make the new word? /b/. Circle the letter that makes that sound. Students would circle the letter b. Words: coat to boat, dirt to skirt, card to yard, jar to star, arm to farm, road to toad, squirt to shirt and sheep to sweep Materials: Print out slides two and three and give a pencil and crayons to each student. Directions: Ask the students to write three to five separate sentences using the words from the word bank. Make sure that they are using an upper case letter at the beginning, finger space between words and punctuation marks at the end. Allow students to stretch out the words to spell. Prior to the activity, create an example for the students. Allow students to draw pictures when finished. Materials: Print out slides four through six. Provide students with 20 markers such as beans, rice, etc. Give each student a Bingo card. These pages must be printed single-sided. Directions: Cut the high-frequency cards and shuffle them. Then, call out one word at a time. Each player covers the word that is called out with a marker. As they do, chant the spelling of that high-frequency word. The first student with a row or column covered with markers calls out, “Bingo!” Materials: Print out slides seven and eight and give a pencil and crayons to each student. Tell students they will write a narrative/story. Directions: Ask the students to write a narrative. Students should write between four to six sentences. Remind students to include a beginning, middle and ending of the narrative. Make sure that they are using an upper case letter at the beginning, finger space between words and punctuation marks at the end. Allow students to stretch out the words to spell and draw a picture for their narrative. Prior to the activity, create an example for the students.

Wheel of FUN WOF# 2135 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Brain Break Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note Wheel of FUN 1920-1980 1980-2040 2040-2100 2100-2160 1800-1860 1860-1920 2148 1860 1990 1933 1873 2136 2109 1905 2150 1864 2095 1874 2153 1822 2080 1991 1875 2056 1976 1940 1928 1818 2145 1970 2147 2076 2120 1911 1919 2017 1838 1982 1914 1930 2097 2133 Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Activity 1 Find it Fast! Call out a colour or other trait (something around the room). Students must find the object in the room that fits that trait and get to it quickly. Activity 2 Act Like A Pro Have students act out various sport moves for 5-10 seconds. For example, have students act out scoring a soccer goal. Other ideas: shoot a basket, swing a bat, serve a tennis ball, ski down a hill, spike a volleyball, throw a football, shoot an arrow, swim in a pool and box with gloves. Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches.) Activity 4 Teacher’s Choice Activity 5 Wiggles Have students stand and do the wiggle: First wiggle fingers; Then fingers and wrists; The fingers, wrists and forearms; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, head. Activity 6 Six Spot (Label six spots around the room from 1-6. Have students go to a spot of their choice. Roll the die. All the students at that number rolled must go back to their seats. Students that are left go to a new spot. Roll the die again until one student is left.)

1 2 We will identify ways text is organised. Block 6: CAP/ Reading Comprehension (Identify ways text is organised.) Learning Objective We will identify ways text is organised. Text is organised using different features. Text uses table of contents, page numbers, headings and images. A table of contents has parts of a book and matching page numbers. Images are pictures. Remember the Concept Periodic Review 1 1 Look at the text. 2 How is the text organised? (Pair-Share) 3 Identify ways the text is organised. (circle features) Identify ways text is organised. What features are used to organise the text? Table of contents Page Numbers Headings Images Introduction Staying healthy is very important. Staying healthy keeps you from getting sick. There are many ways to stay healthy. One way, is to eat healthy foods. Fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy are healthy foods. Healthy Foods 1 Introduction 2 Fruit 3 Vegetables 4 Meat 6 Dairy 8 1 2 Extended Thinking What will need to be added to the text above to be organised? Write the page number on the book.

We will describe persuasive text. Block 6: CAP/ Reading Comprehension (Describe persuasive text.) Learning Objective We will describe persuasive text. Periodic Review 2 Persuasive text gets you to believe an opinion2. Persuasive text gives information that supports the opinion. Explain to the students that persuasive text uses words like best and good. Concept 1 Read the text. 2 Describe the persuasive text. a What is the opinion of the text? (circle answer) b Use information from the text that supports the opinion. Describe persuasive text. Parks 1. Parks are the best place to play! 2. Parks have swings and slides to play on. 3. Parks have open fields to run and play chasey. 4. Parks are a good place to play sports like soccer, tennis and rugby. 5. There are many things to play at the park! 46 words What is the opinion of the text? Parks have open fields to run and play chasey. Parks are the best place to play. What information from the text supports the opinion? (oral response) Extended Thinking What is your favourite food? Persuade your partner why that food is the best! Make sure to give information to support the opinion. Answers will vary.

Wheel of FUN WOF# 1905 Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Brain Break Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Click on the wheel to spin. This activity will take about five minutes. Teacher Note Wheel of FUN Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Activity 1 Find it Fast! Call out a colour or other trait (something around the room). Students must find the object in the room that fits that trait and get to it quickly. Activity 2 Act Like A Pro Have students act out various sport moves for 5-10 seconds. For example, have students act out scoring a soccer goal. Other ideas: shoot a basket, swing a bat, serve a tennis ball, ski down a hill, spike a volleyball, throw a football, shoot an arrow, swim in a pool and box with gloves. Activity 3 Stretch! (Lead the students in some stretches.) Activity 4 Teacher’s Choice Activity 5 Wiggles Have students stand and do the wiggle: First wiggle fingers; Then fingers and wrists; The fingers, wrists and forearms; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees; The fingers, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, head. Activity 6 Six Spot (Label six spots around the room from 1-6. Have students go to a spot of their choice. Roll the die. All the students at that number rolled must go back to their seats. Students that are left go to a new spot. Roll the die again until one student is left.)

We will write informative text. Block 7: Grammar (Write informative text.) Learning Objective Teacher will need to provide the topic. Lesson was left blank for teacher and students to brainstorm ideas for the informative text. Fill-in the graphic organizer using the whiteboard. Please prompt students thinking facts about the topic. Teacher Note We will write informative text. Review 1 Read the topic. 2 Write two to three facts about the text. (write in table) Write informative text. An informative text gives facts about a topic. A topic is what the text is about. Facts are real pieces of information. Remember the Concept topic Facts Fact #1 Fact #2 Fact #3

__________________________________________________________ Block 7: Grammar (Write informative text.) Review Lesson was left blank for teacher and students to brainstorm facts about the topic. Fill-in the graphic organizer using the whiteboard. Provide words in the Word Bank for the students. Teacher Note 3 Write informative text. (use the table) a Write the topic first. b Write three facts about the topic. Write informative text. An informative text gives facts about a topic. A topic is what the text is about. Facts are real pieces of information. Remember the Concept ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Word Bank

Informative Checklist Block 7: Grammar (Edit written text.) Learning Objective What will we do to the text? We will ______________. Declare the Objective We will edit your written informative text. Skill Development & Guided Practice Explain to the students they will use the Informative Text Checklist to edit their written text. Teacher Note 1 Read the writing. 2 Edit the writing. (use the checklist; make any changes, if needed) a Look for the topic sentence and 2-4 facts about the topic. (check) b Look for errors in capitalisation. (check) c Look for errors in punctuation. (check) Edit written text. Edit means to look for errors in your writing. Concept Informative Checklist Has a topic Has 3-4 facts about the topic Use a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence. Use a capital letter at the beginning of a person’s name. Use ending punctuation.

To present means to talk in front of people. To present: Block 6: CAP/Reading Comprehension Solving Math Problems 1 Determine what the question is asking. 2 Determine the math concept required. 3 Determine relevant information. 4 Solve the problem, then interpret the answer. 5 Check the reasonableness of your answer. Learning Objective Declare the Objective We will present text. What will we present? We will present________ Concept Development There are many animals that live in the ocean. Use your strong voice. Name one thing you do to present. In your own words, what does present mean? “Present means _____________.” Checking for Understanding To present means to talk in front of people. To present: Tell a fact about something Stand up Speak clearly Use your strong voice Provide oral examples of speaking clearly and not speaking clearly. Refer to the Voice Levels Poster for “Strong Voice.” Use your strong voice and have students practise their strong voice with their partners. Teacher Note Solving Math Problems 1 What am I trying to find? 2 What do I know about this idea? 3 What amounts do I know? 4 Solve the problem or answer the question. 5 Did I answer all parts of the question? Skill Development & Guided Practice Teacher reads the text to the class. Make sure to stand up, speak clearly and use your strong voice. Then, have the students practise reading the text to their partner. Select five students to read the informative text to the class, if time allows. Teacher Note: Method of Delivery

Tell me something about r-controlled patterns: –ar and –or. Block 8: Closing Provide sentence frames, if appropriate. (Example, I learned _______.) Consider asking comprehension questions from the story to review literary concepts such as: What is the setting? Who is the character? Describe the character. What is the problem? What is the solution? Teacher Note Tell me something about r-controlled patterns: –ar and –or. Say the sound. Tell me something about persuasive text. What feature does organised text have? Use the high-frequency words first, before and after in a sentence.