Implementing iMatter in NHS Scotland GG&C Managers Orientation
What we will cover today Managers introduction to iMatter Timescales for running iMatter Email from Webropol Logging on to the iMatter system and comfirming your team. Discussion and questions.
NHS Scotland Everyone Matters: NHS Scotland & GG&C Values 2020 Workforce Vision Healthy Organisational Culture Priority NHS Scotland & GG&C Values Scottish Government have developed a plan for the roll out of iMatter Staff Experience continuous improvement model Health Boards will roll out iMatter from 2015/17
An NHS Scotland definition of Staff Experience… “A workplace approach designed to ensure employees are committed to their organisations’ goals and values, motivated to organisation success, and are able at the same time to enhance their own sense of well-being” (Engaging for Success 2009 authors; Nita Clarke and David MacLeod)
Why does employee engagement matter in the NHS? Higher staff morale & motivation Less absenteeism & stress Greater efficiency, productivity & effectiveness Stronger financial management
In a clinical context, better engagement means… Enhanced patient experience & outcomes. Fewer errors. Lower mortality rates. Lower infection rates.
iMatter Questionnaire 29 questions overall About me My team / line manager My organisation 12 questions 7 questions 9 questions Plus one additional ‘Overall Experience’ question.
7 Practical Steps: Step 7 Upload actions to Storyboard Manager facilitates team discussion on results and action plan agreed. Step 5 Manager receives Team Report inc. EEI and Thermometer Scores Step 4 Manager monitors response rate Step 3 Staff complete either online or paper Step 2 Manager confirms team names and if paper or electronic questionnaire via iMatter online system. Step 1 Upload team data to iMatter online system
Timescales for this run 11th January 2016 for 4wks – Managers login to system and confirm team. 8th February 2016 for 3wks – All staff complete questionnaire. Managers monitor response rates. 29th February 2016 for 5 wks – Data gathering and Team Report prep. 4th April 2016 for 12wks – Team Reports shared with teams, action plans agreed and uploaded onto system. Storyboards generated and shared. Deadline for this is 24th June 2016. Progress update by 12th September 2016. Commence next cycle – October 2016
Team Spreadsheet Populated locally and uploaded to iMatter system. There will be the opportunity to correct any mistakes and edit your team. If your team is less than five check if you wish to remain as an intact team on the system. System doesn’t like teams with the same name so there may be basic naming protocol applied.
Login to iMatter Email from Webropol – check in case it’s gone to your junk box. Unique to every manager and contains login details, instructions and link to video. Only managers login to the system. Some difficulties experienced with earlier versions of Internet Explorer installed on our PCs. In order to avoid problems: After opening the link, select Tools / Compatibility View Settings and check Webropol doesn’t appear. Also, uncheck any of the options boxes. Press Ctrl F5 to clear Browser history. Then enter password details. If error message appears. Close browser and try again. If error appears again please contact the GGC iMatter Helpdesk.
Points of contact: GG&C iMatter Helpdesk - First point of contact for all iMatter issues Alfred Butterly 201-0482 David Campbell 201-4480 Derrick Grant 201-4475 Valerie Wallace 201-0022 GG&C iMatter Programme Support 07890 596395 GG&C Board Operational Lead 07825 357351
Confirming your team You can add, remove or exclude team members. Check all email addresses are correct. If you remove a team member because they are in another team please liaise with the other manager to make sure they are included. System is web based so can be accessed from any device, and personal emails are allowed. For staff with no online access you will need to assign them for paper copy. You then need to print this out and give (or send) to them with prepaid envelope to Webropol. For paper copies there are prepaid envelopes. Let us know how many you need.
iMatter Team Report 68%
Starter points for discussion: What’s required for wider staff awareness of iMatter? Is there a help function that I can access? What response rates are required? What do I do if I don’t get a team report due to low response rate? Who else will have access to my team report? What support will be available to any managers who may be less sure about interpreting their iMatter report or running their own team sessions? What if I have a large or geographically spread team, or staff on different shifts?
Summary: The Role of Team Managers in the implementation of iMatter… Confirm your team on the system. Correct staff members, accurate email addresses (personal email addresses are an option) or paper copy selection. Ensure your staff are fully briefed about iMatter and proactively encourage participation. (Use presentation slides and Z Cards) When questionnaire distributed monitor your team’s response rate. (60% needed to generate Team Report, 100% for team of less than 5). The questionnaire emails are repeated every Monday for three weeks until questionnaire completed. Share and discuss the Team Report with your team and agree actions. If no Team Report, use Directorate Report. Actions still need to be agreed.
Continued… Input actions onto the system which then generates a Storyboard. Print out or send copies to your team. Commit with your team to progressing your Team Action Plan and schedule a monitoring/review discussion. Discuss your EEI Score with your line manager in one to ones / annual appraisal, and how you are using the Team Action Plan (strengths/ improvement areas). This counts as good evidence for KSF. Two or three months later go back into the action plan template on the system and complete progress comments then Complete & Lock. 18
National Support/Information: iMatter Web-based Resource within NHS Staff Governance Website: Contents: Frequently Asked Questions Case Studies Staff Experience Toolkit For GG&C online Team Development resources visit FTFT pages on Staffnet. Check out Teams Homepage under ‘Our culture’
Any more questions?
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