Computer Input Device: Electronic point of sale
ELECTRONIC POINT OF SALE (EPOS) Point of sale or point of service (POS or PoS) can mean a retail shop, a checkout counter in a shop, or the location where a transaction occurs. More specifically, the point of sale often refers to the hardware and software used for checkouts -- the equivalent of an electronic cash register. Point of sale systems are used in supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, stadiums, and casinos, as well as almost any type of retail establishment
Electronic point of sale refers to the process of selling retail goods through a computer terminal that tracks data more thoroughly than a standard cash register. It allows for up sales on the spot, makes stock management easier and more accurate and speeds up transactions with customers.
ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER AT POINT OF SALE (EFTPOS) EFTPOS is an electronic payment method which involves goods or services being paid for at the point of sale. The transaction may be initiated either by the EFTPOS card (Credit/Debit card) being swiped through a card reading device prior to the authorization of the transaction by means of PIN number being inputted via a hand held pad by the customer or the cards swipe being followed by the customer signing a paper voucher.