STRATEGIC PLAN AND ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology Presenter: Mlungisi Cele (Dr) Date: 13 April 2016
Mandate, vision and mission Policy context and key challenges Presentation Outline Mandate, vision and mission Policy context and key challenges Strategic outcome-oriented goals Selected initiatives and targets Medium-term and short-term Finances and organogram Conclusion
Mandate Section 3 of the NACI Act (Act 55 of 1997) “…advise the Minister for Science and Technology, and through the Minister, the Minister’s Committee and Cabinet, on the role and contribution of science, mathematics, innovation and technology, including indigenous technologies, in promoting and achieving national objectives”
Legislative Functions (1) NACI may or shall on request of the Minister, advise on- the coordination and stimulation of the national system of innovation (NSI); strategies for the promotion of technology innovation, development, acquisition, transfer and implementation in all the sectors; the co-ordination of science and technology policy and strategies with policies and strategies in other environments; the identification of research and development (R&D) priorities, and their incorporation in the process of government funding of R&D.
Legislative Functions (2) the promotion of mathematics, the natural sciences and technology in the education sector; and on the establishment and maintenance of information systems that support monitoring and evaluation of the NSI management and functioning; international liaison and co–operation in the fields of science, technology and innovation (STI); developments in the fields of STI which might require new legislation.
Legislative Functions (3) strategies for promotion of the dissemination and accessibility of scientific knowledge & technology, as well as for promotion of public understanding of S&T and their supportive role in innovation for development and progress; establishment, phasing out, rationalisation & management of science councils, national facilities utilised for research, national R&D programmes conducted by science councils and S&T institutions within the NSI; funding of S&T system in respect of its contribution to innovation; any other matters on STI & mathematics referred to NACI by the Minister.
Vision and mission Vision: A leading advisory body to government on science, technology and innovation (STI) within a well-coordinated, responsive and functioning National System of Innovation (NSI). Mission: To provide evidence-based advice to the Minister of Science and Technology and through the Minister to Cabinet on STI policy matters through research expertise and engagement with stakeholders.
Several sectoral strategies; Policy Context National Development Plan (NDP) recognises the role and contribution of the National System of Innovation (NSI) and science, technology and innovation (STI) to; long-term sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development; reducing poverty, unemployment and inequality. Several sectoral strategies; The STI policy package (consisting of the 1996 White Paper, 2002 National Research and Development Strategy and Ten-Year Innovation Plan).
White Paper Introduced concept of the National System of Innovation (NSI), which remains work-in-progress. Few decades ago “innovation” meant something closer to “invention”; Today, the focus is on how to exploit invention for socio-economic benefits , hence, a System of Innovation as opposed to the Science System. A Science system is a necessary foundation from which to build an NSI-responsive to national imperatives, i.e. enhanced quality of life and sustainable and inclusive economic growth and competitiveness.
White Paper Cont. Emphasises importance of leadership, coordination and cooperation in making NSI effective. Government’s role was expected to see to it that different components of NSI are in place, interact, and that there is an agreed set of goals and objectives.
NRDS NRDS is indicator-based and rests on 3 pillars: Innovation; Human capital development-including transformation of ‘frozen demographics’; and Creation of an effective government STI system and infrastructure. Technology missions and science missions (astronomy, paleosciences, biodiversity, indigenous knowledge system (IKS) and Antarctic research); Set target 1%GERD.
Ten-Year Innovation Plan (200-2018) Enablers Bioeconomy Human & social science Global change Energy Space Science Technology development and innovation Human capital - Centres of excellence, South African research chairs initiative, professional development programme, etc. Cross- cutting enablers Grand challenges International cooperation; regional and continental partnership Knowledge infrastructure – Science councils, state-owned enterprises, global projects Investment plan based on strategic priorities
The Four Pillars of the Knowledge- Based Economy Innovation Information Infrastructure Education Economic and Institutional Regime Interconnected Interdependent
Situation analysis
Africa World South Africa Economics NSI Resources Politics/ Institutional Social Technology South Africa ©2007-Prof A Roux IFR Stellenbosch
National Challenges (1) Sluggish economy-unemployment, poverty and inequality, current account deficit etc. Water scarcity, energy, food security and HIV/AIDs etc. Governance of the system (including coordination between private and public sectors and between different Ministries); Expansion and transformation of human resources for STI; Commercialisation of research results;
National Challenges Cont.(2) Build an institutional (and interdepartmental) instrument to help ensure that promising R&D matures into new industries; Low uptake and local procurement of STI outputs in the public and private sectors; Inadequate financing of the system exacerbated by low private sector R&D investment; Assessing impact of STI investments. As we face the above and other future challenges, there are global conditions that must also be confronted.
Global Challenges (1) Digitisation or a strong and ever-expanding basis in the digital economy, facilitated by the growth of mobile telecommunications, the convergence of voice, video and data to the internet and the rapid uptake of data and sensors (the Internet of Things), in both advanced and emerging economies (OECD, 2015); The role of STI in creating sustainable and inclusive socioeconomic development.
Global Challenges Cont. (2) Open Science (inclusivity-people and nations, infrastructure, talent/HCD, and governance) and Big Data (access, infrastructure, software and governance). Globalisation and growing complexity of STI require greater and interdisciplinary cooperation; 4th Industrial revolution.
Rationale for Strategic Outcome-Oriented Goals Alignment to the legislative mandate and national policies and plans; Repositioning and enhancing NACI’s role in the NSI and in meeting societal demands; Improving both the internal intellectual and administrative capacity to meet set targets; and Creating synergies and networks locally and abroad. Engagement with DST (DG and EXCO and Programme 1 officials) helped.
Strategic Outcome-Oriented Goal (1) To learn from previous experience to improve efficacy, relevance and ensure evidence-based, confidential and timely STI policy advice to the Minister of Science and Technology and, through the Minister, Cabinet. Need better data and information analysis, more coordination and improved scientific advisory mechanisms. Building internal capability and exploiting new and established external networks.
Strategic Outcome-Oriented Goal (2) To contribute to the building of NSI monitoring, evaluation and learning capability in order to assess the health of the NSI and its contribution to sustainable and inclusive development. Strengthen systemic monitoring, evaluation and learning capability; Work with partners in developing impact indicators and better impact assessment of STI-partly to justify why more investment should be made in STI-1.5%GERD.
Strategic Outcome-Oriented Goals (3) To contribute to the building of a well-coordinated, responsive and effective NSI. Systematic approach to answer long-standing STI policy questions of governance (coordination, prioritisation, financing, size and shape) and role and contribution of STI to socio-economic development. Creating a better ecosystem (regulation, public-private partnerships, mobility between public-private-academia, public procurement, access to market and so forth); role of private sector; .
Strategic Outcome-Oriented Goals (3) Transforming NACI into a smart, efficient and learning organisation. Seize opportunities of digitisation; Quality and turn around time; Communication; Knowledge management; Skills development; Improving internal planning, performance and reporting; Partnerships with NSI actors and international bodies and institutions.
Selected medium-term initiatives and targets
Selected medium term initiatives (1) Development of STI decadal plan: Draw lessons learnt from the review of progress since 1996 White Paper, foresight exercise and stakeholder engagement etc; and To articulate new vision, goals and priorities. Development of STI data and information portal: Multiple uses-system intelligence, research platforms, storage of STI data, meet needs of policy makers etc. Steering Committee, design and launch of portal; Collaboration with National Research Foundation (NRF), Human Science Research Council (HSRC), Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), STATsSA, Reserve Bank, Council on Higher Education etc. Biennial state of innovation report.
Selected medium term initiatives (2) To proactively and at the behest of the Minister generate advice in a range of areas: Learn from recent experience to improve quality and relevance of advice; Packaging the advice in a manner that allows the Minister and cabinet to see the potential for socio-economic development offered by emerging innovations; System view; round-table forums; Collaboration with NRF, HSRC, CHE, ASSAf and SACNASP on certain issues.
Selected medium term initiatives (3) Enhance systemic policy analysis and monitoring and evaluation capacity. Possible initiatives include: impact assessment of STI contribution to sustainable and inclusive socioeconomic development and eradication of poverty, inequality and unemployment; Impact assessment of Knowledge-based economy-knowledge intensity and GDP; Analysis of R&D and innovation survey results; Review of HCD and knowledge enterprise transformation; Develop system’s M&E framework and tools.
Selected medium term initiatives (3) Analytical contributions in support of NSI governance, coordination and planning as envisaged in the NDP and DST Strategic Plans and identified in various reviews as key concerns. Deepen existing and build new networks and participate in local, continental and international forums-to learn and share. Possible hosting of global science advisory forum. Guest lectures and hosting visiting scholars, students and researchers.
Selected APP Targets STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 1. To provide evidence-based advice on STI policy matters on request or on the NACI's own initiative. Number of STI policy advice submitted to the Minister of Science and Technology 3 x STI policy advice submitted to the Minister of Science and Technology by 31 March 2017 2. To assess the performance of the NSI Number of State of STI Reports produced 1 x State of STI Report finalised by 31 March 2017
Selected APP Targets (Cont) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 3. To develop STI central data and information repository from publicly financed data… Successful implementation of National STI Information Portal 1 x national STI Information Portal developed and launched by 30 November 2016 Number of memoranda of understanding on sharing of data and information 2 x memoranda of understanding on sharing of data and information by 31 March 2017
Selected APP Targets…(Cont) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 4. To contribute to the building of a well-coordinated, responsive and effective NSI Ministerial approval secured for high-level framework for a new STI decadal plan. 1 x a high level framework for an STI decadal plan submitted to the Minister of Science and Technology by 31 November 2016 Analytical contributions in support of NSI governance, coordination and planning completed Analytical contributions in support of NSI governance, coordination and planning completed by 31 March 2017
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN: ANNUAL TARGETS…(Cont) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 5. To ensure efficient and effective provision of corporate services such as administrative, financial, technical and professional, to support the discharge of the core mandate of NACI. Communication plan implemented Communication plan implemented by 31 March 2017 Internal cooperate governance system approved and implemented Internal cooperate governance system (Council charter and self-evaluation tool developed and approved by 30 November 2016)
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN: ANNUAL TARGETS…(Cont) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 5. To ensure efficient and effective provision of corporate services such as administrative, financial, technical and professional, to support the discharge of the core mandate of NACI. Knowledge management system Knowledge management system approved by 30 November 2016 Internal cooperate governance system approved and implemented Internal cooperate governance system (Council charter and self-evaluation tool developed and approved by 30 November 2016)
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN: ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE PROGRAMME AUDITED OUTCOMES ADJUSTED /APPROPRI ATION MEDIUM-TERM EXPENDITURE ESTIMATE R THOUSAND 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES 7 565 6 849 10 034 10 308 10 432 11 025 11 610 GOODS AND SERVICE 7 979 5 643 8 223 8 434 8 535 9 021 9 499 TOTAL 15 544 12 503 18 257 18 742 18 967 20 046 21 109
CONCLUSION Mandate Continue to implement both the legislative mandate and 2014 Ministerial Guidelines (Inaugural Council meeting); Alignment of Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan with NDP, and DST Strategic Plan. System focus Strengthen planning, analytical and M&E capabilities; Deepen and consolidate engagements with various NSI actors in order to improve policy coordination and coherence and reduce duplication.
CONCLUSION Organisational Assessment of fitness for and of purpose following approval of new vision under leadership of DST Human Resources Staff development Repositioning, communication and knowledge management essential Ensure better performance against predetermined objectives Seizing opportunities of digitisation collaborating with DST IT and Dimension Data