RDA to Deliver Why? What? When? How?.


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Presentation transcript:

RDA to Deliver Why? What? When? How?

Why should we deliver? We are at a point where everyone agrees on principles (G8, DFT, FAIR, etc.): Create MD, assign PIDs, store in trustworthy repositories, etc. We need to come now with systemic solutions and a reduction of the solutions space. Who else as RDA is in state? Senior infrastructure builders are waiting on signals Funders are waiting on signals (EC) Industry will only jump on if directions are clear Practices will only change when SW changes

What should we deliver? Individual RDA results are great and we need to continue but … We ned to have a „grand message“ where we put results together and work out further details We have two „clusters“: the publishing folks with good ideas and the DF folks with configuration building and we learned to listen to each other Is Global Digital Object Cloud such a „grand message“ to achieve momentum and attraction? Do we agree on this? With GDOC we can give a direction – it is nothing else than global virtualisation


Here GEDE comes in Had a f2f meeting recently and spoke about PIDs and what is missing: People are using Handles and DOIs (also Handles) Statements about granularity of DOs Statements about collections Statements about versioning Statements about state metadata (types) Etc. They want practical recommendations to get things now finally done. We can create momentum if we build on basics!!!!

When should we deliver? It is 5 before 12.00 (German saying) We need to get practical now and achieve an acceleration and convergence Obviously we need to dare to press the reset button and just start with the basics and let it go again

Note on industry Had several discussions with industry in DE They collect big data and do a lot within a company They discover right now that they may want to make use of data collected by others They suffer from the same fragmentation problem 1000ands of cloud solutions All different IDs, different MD, etc. Some start with cross-cloud solutions Need to convince them to use global solutions China discussing a national solution for Ids for science and industry

How should we do it? We need a new White Paper (DFIG or so) until Barcelona based on what Larry and I wrote up quickly supported by many – critical comments are welcome of course Probably extend it with ideas on type-based automatic processing etc. to indicate future developments We need to organise sessions at plenaries, perhaps intensive brainstorming meetings, etc. We need a core group of people who also will implement. Need a professional flyer to convince people

Barcelona Sessions and beyond Pre-plenary day First meeting with „IoT industry“ (4. April) A session to focus on concrete recommendations for PID extensions (see GEDE list etc.) Beth‘s work on types is essential part of this A session to work on all aspects of GDOC also with input from communities who want to participate IoT week Geneva (6. June) Working on joint agenda with „IoT industry“