What is NEWCNT? Program to enter new contract information New contracts for year Mid-year change with retro payment Retro is based on days worked Mid-year change without retro payment
NEWCNT Options Main processing menu in NEWCNT
MAINT Option NEWCNT Maintenance Add new contracts Modify new contracts Delete new contracts Purge individual contracts Use data entered for salary notices
MAINT Option
MAINT Option
MAINT Option
BUILD Option Auto process for groups of like jobs Teachers Custodians Creates new contracts for access with MAINT option
BUILD Option Zeroes all contract-to-date figures Contract Amount paid Contract Amount Docked Contract Amount Due Amount earned Days worked Pays paid Lump Sum Retro Dock Next Pay
BUILD Option
PURGE Option Purges contracts into JOBSCN Updates JOBSCN information with NEWCNT data Adds LPA/LPE pay types to UPDCAL_FUT for pay off amounts on previous contract, the one in JOBSCN Uses last pay calculation obligation minus paid minus dock LPA = Last pay accrued LPE = Last pay earned
PURGE Option Creates job history data reportable on JOBHIS report Data is transferred from JOBSCN to the job history file May be updated by CHKUPD if there is an LPE/LPA pay type involved on the last pay in contract
PURGE Option Pay accounts in PAYSCN are all set to inactive Any accounts in NEWCNT are reactivated New accounts are added Resets new hire reporting date if needed Deletes new contract data from NEWCNT Contract data Pay account data
PURGE Option All changes are written to audit file AUDRPT Allows selection of just the NEWCNT purge data
PURGE Option
PURGE Option The Clear EMIS prompts are defined as follows: Enter Y to set the EMIS hours per day to zero. Enter N the value from NEWCNT will be purged into JOBSCN. Enter Y to set the EMIS contract amount to zero. Enter N the value appearing in NEWCNT will be purged into JOBSCN. Enter Y the EMIS work days will be set to zero. Enter N the value appearing in NEWCNT will be purged into JOBSCN. Enter Y the EMIS FTE will be set to zero. Enter N the value appearing in NEWCNT will be purged into JOBSCN. The Update JOBSCN EMIS contract fields with values from old contract is defined as follows: Y= If all EMIS contract fields are blank in NEWCNT, then the EMIS contract fields on JOBSCN will contain the old contract values after the purge. N= The JOBSCN EMIS contract fields will NOT be updated with the old contract JOBSCN values. The NEWCNT EMIS contract fields will be moved to the JOBSCN EMIS contract fields after the purge.
DELETE Option Deletes new contracts from NEWCNT Mass deletes new contracts Useful for early salary notices based on old rate and contract amounts when negotiations are not complete by the time salary notices are processed No need to use for normal purge functions
IMPORT Option Allows importing from outside source Spreadsheet files Third party vendor salary schedules CSV (comma separated values) Tab delimited Free format of data
IMPORT Option Certain fields required in load file Employee ID Job number Contract type All calculations are completed as if the MAINT option was used Pay per period Retro amounts, etc.
IMPORT Option Can be used for New contracts Mid year changes
IMPORT Option Care should be taken for fields that would be zeroed in ‘Clear’ function, must be reset to zero with load file values Special EMIS fields Unit amount Hours in day Pays paid Days worked
IMPORT Option Sample CSV import file
REPORT Option Generates report Reports all NEWCNT data Summary report MAINT BUILD IMPORT Summary report Detail report
NEWCNT Calculations Rounding All intermediate calculations use 5 decimal places The rounding is completed at the end of all processing Based on rounding flag in USPSDAT/USPCON
NEWPAY Option Generates report listing pay accounts to be used for all new contracts built Budgeting purposes Validations
NEWCNT Fields Defined Days since raise Contract obligation Must be greater that zero for retro payments Must be less than or equal to days worked Used to calculate retro earned Contract obligation Amount district owes to employee
NEWCNT Fields Defined Contract amount Contract amount due Location of current job on the salary schedule Total contract that could be payable to the employee for the job Contract amount due Amount earned by employee on job but not yet paid to that employee
Purging of New Contract Data When to purge new contract?? Timing is everything Before last pay of old contract If first physical work day of new contract is inclusive of period begin/end dates of the last pay in old contract purge when pays in old are one remaining
Purging of New Contract Data After last pay can cause incorrect data and manual updates if payroll period begin/end dates for both last pay of old and first pay of new contracts are not adjusted Affect depends on contract start/stop dates as well as period begin/end dates of last pay in contract and first payroll in new contract
Purging of New Contract Data Incorrect purge timing can cause: Days worked to be lost STRSAD doesn’t advance the right jobs Mid year change calculations incorrect Accrued wages to be incorrect Pay off of accrued is incorrect amount WAGOBL is incorrect Amount earned to be incorrect
NEWCNT Purge Example
NEWCNT Purge Example
NEWCNT Purge Example
NEWCNT Purge Example
NEWCNT Purge Example
NEWCNT Purge Example
NEWCNT Purge Example
NEWCNT Purge Example If neither option is used Days from 8/23/2004 – 8/27/2004 are lost Amount earned becomes incorrect Accrued wages are incorrect Days worked are incorrect
NEWCNT Purge Example
NEWCNT Purge Example
Mid-Year Changes Can’t be built in NEWCNT until last payroll to be paid at the old rate is complete ‘Clear’ function should not be used Effective at period begin date is ideal Doesn’t currently work if zero days worked Contract amount due on JOBSCN must be accurate
Mid-Year Changes Days worked on JOBSCN must be accurate Mid pay period mid-year contract changes can’t be done with NEWCNT Manual updates are necessary when the change must be processed in the payroll it becomes effective
Mid-Year Changes Optional solution for mid pay period mid year contract changes Pay one pay period beyond the effective date and retro pay Change effective 3/8/2004 Payroll dates 2/29 – 3/13 pay date 3/19 Complete 3/19 payroll at old rates
Mid-Year Changes Prior to 4/1 payroll Process mid-year contract change with retro Process 5 retro days, which would be 3/8 – 3/12 4/1 payroll would include new pay per period plus the 5 days with the retro amounts No manual updates required
New Contract Caution Areas Use of ‘Clear’ function Should only be used for ‘new contract type’ Employee new to district Add contract directly in JOBSCN Contract is not in NEWCNT, amount can’t be used in balancing
New Contract Caution Areas Add skeleton contract in JOBSCN No obligation, amount paid, days, etc. Similar to how a sub might be added Build contract in NEWCNT program Purge Contract start date Used to calculate LPE/LPA amounts on the last pay of old contract Should be first physical day of work on the new contract
New Contract Exceptions Special jobs for EMIS reporting only Job is not used for payment of wages Report to EMIS = “Y”
SPECIAL JOBS FOR EMIS REPORTING ONLY Spec. Ed FTE field contains the Special Ed full time equivalency of the position assignment for EMIS reporting purposes. The EMIS Contract Info: Hours per day field contains the number of hours worked per day on this job to be reported to EMIS. This is only required if the EMIS hours per day differs from that in the 'Hours per day' field. EMIS Contract Info: Contract amt is the contract amount to be reported to EMIS. This is only required if the contract amount wanting to be reported differs from the amount the system automatically calculates. EMIS Contract Info: Work days is the number of EMIS work days for this job. This is only required if the EMIS work days differs from that in the 'Work days' field. This EMIS Contract Info: FTE field contains the full time equivalency of the position assignment for EMIS reporting purposes. This is only required if the EMIS FTE differs from that in the USPSCN/POSSCN 'FTE' field.
New Contract Exceptions Leave of absence Post ATDSCN and UPDCAL_* docks the entire time employee is absent Stop JOBSCN Enter contract stop date Enter calendar stop date When employee returns Add new job for remaining amount needing to be paid to employee Enter calendar start date as first returning work day
New Contract Exceptions Retro on a check by itself NEWCNT does not support doing this Manual intervention is required Job Switching/Bidding Pay on current contract Use MIS pay type for payments on job switched to until permanent placement or job switch is negated If permanent, when adding new contract include MIS payments amounts as amounts already paid