Improving Your Fitness Health Related & Skill Related Fitness
Why is PE so important? Reduced Risk of Heart Failure Improved Physical Fitness Weight Reduction Good Health Promotion Self Discipline Skill Development Improved Self - Confidence Stress Reduction Increase Their Love of School and Performance in Academics Development of Lifetime Skills and Activities
Two Types of Fitness Health Related Fitness Skill Related Fitness Is the ability of the heart, lungs, muscles and joints to function at optimal capacity. Cardio respiratory Endurance Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility Healthful Body Composition Skill Related Fitness Is the capacity to perform well in sports and physical activities. Fitness skills are skills that can be used in sports and physical activities. Heredity is an important influence on skill related fitness as well. Agility Balance Coordination Reaction Time Speed Power
Group Discussion… What exercises did you perform for the post fitness gram test that focused on the 5 Elements of Health Related Fitness? Based on your results, what is your current fitness level in each category?
Elements of Health Related Fitness Cardio-respiratory Endurance The ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to utilize and send fuel and oxygen to the body’s tissues during long periods of moderate-to-vigorous activity. Muscular Strength The amount of force a muscle can exert. Muscle Endurance The ability of the muscles to perform physical tasks over a period of time w/out becoming fatigued. Flexibility The ability to move a body part through a full range of motion Body Composition BF%; ratio of fat to lean tissue
Cardiorespiratory Endurance Measure? Cardiovascular activity (Ie. Jogging, bicycling) Test HR before activity and after Target HR: Ideal range you should be at during activity Formula Target HR: Age x 0.7 = X then, 208 – X = HR beats per minute
Activity Calculate your current resting heart rate… Place your index & middle finger on your carotid or radial artery. Count the number of beats in 10 seconds, and then to multiply that number by 6. Example: You count 7 beats in 10 seconds: 7 x 6 = 42 beats per minute. In general, the higher your resting heart rate, the less physically fit you are, and the lower your heart rate, the more physically fit you are. (Some athletes have resting heart rates in the 40s.)
How do you improve Cardiovascular Endurance? Aerobic Exercise! As a result, HR increases, blood pumps throughout body, heart and lungs adapt to physical demands. PRACTICE! Experiment
Muscular Strength/Endurance Muscular Endurance Muscles perform tasks over a period of time without tiring Increase? Repetitions – number of times an exercise is performed in one set. Set – group of repetitions followed by a rest period. Built w/less resistance and more repetitions. The maximum amount of force a muscle can produce in a single effort Improve? Resistance/weight training The more you workout the stronger you become Built by doing max resistance only a few times Benefits? (MS & ME) Builds muscles Boosts metabolism Protects joints from injury Increases stamina
Flexibility Types of Stretches Stretching Improves? Moving body parts though full range of motion Improvement in flexibility helps with overall athletic performance Reduces risk of injury Types of Stretches Stretching Improves? Flexibility Blood circulation Posture Coordination Eases stress Ballistic = bounce – WRONG! Static = Stay – Post workout Dynamic = active – pre workout
Body Composition AKA – BF% Ratio of fat to lean tissue More accurate then BMI Measure? Various ways We use Tanita Scale
Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise Rhythmic activities, large muscle groups Long periods of time Raise your heart rate Increase use of oxygen (with oxygen) Ie. Jogging, swimming Cross country runner Anaerobic Intense, short burst activities Muscles work hard to produce energy without oxygen Ie. Sprinting, lifting weights
3 Basic Muscle Contractions The “I” exercises Isometric Muscle tension improves strength – little or no movement (length of muscle stays the same) Isotonic Combination of joint movement and muscle contraction Build flexibility and strength Isokinetic Use resistance against muscles as moves through range of motion during speed (I.e.. Weight machines, bike machines) What’s the difference?!
Elements of Skill Related Fitness Agility- Is the ability to rapidly change the position of the body. Balance- ability to keep from falling when in still position or moving Coordination- ability to use senses together w/ body parts during movement. Reaction Time Time it takes a person to move after hearing, seeing, feeling or touching a stimulus. Speed- ability to move quickly Power- ability to combine strength and speed