U13 Rep Trial Testing 26th June 2016
1200 meter Running test ◦ purpose: This test measures aerobic fitness and leg muscles endurance. ◦ equipment required: 1.6 km flat running course (e.g. 4x400m track), stopwatch. ◦ procedure: The aim of this test is to complete a 1.6 kilometre course in the shortest possible time. At the start, all participants are to line up behind the starting line. On the command ‘go,’ the clock will start, and the athletes begin running at their own pace. ◦ scoring: The total time to complete the course is recorded for each participant, in minutes and seconds.
The purpose of the test is for the shortest possible time to run the course which has strictly specific pattern turns and thereby avoid contact with the cones. Setting the test and performing it • 4 cones (on the outer sides) are set to form a rectangular course with 10 meters in length and 5 meters in width; • Another 4 cones are placed along the center line of the rectangular field; each cone in the center is spaced 3.3 meters apart; • Determine which cone (out of the 4 set on the outer sides) will be your starting point for the test • The starting position of the athlete is from the outer side of the starting cone; in a position for push-ups with the head placed parallel with the cone. • At a given signal, with maximal effort, the athlete should cross the route as fast as possible
The ball is drawn backwards and forth Yard Stick Test The ball is drawn backwards and forth across the body (1 yard) for a minute Keep count - backwards and forth = 2 Keep stick in contact with ball at all times Ball 1 yard
Star dribble Run around the cones with stick on ball as fast as the player can while maintaining control. They must go around each cone - alway via the middle cone To be done on forehand and reverse stick Finish Start
Hitting Test In pairs the players hit a ball between 2 cones Each player stands on the side line with the cones in the middle of the field Each player will be adjudged on their: Pushing technique Accuracy Receiving skills
Pushing Test In pairs the players hit a ball between 2 cones Each player stands on 16 yards from the side line (on the top of the blue circle) with the cones in the middle of the field. Each player will be adjudged on their: Pushing technique Accuracy Receiving skills
Tackle Box Each player will face off against players with the ball, in limited area boxes. The players need to tackle the dribblers cleanly. The players will be Adjudged on their : Body position Agility Timing of tackle Cleanness of tackle Ability to channel Decision making These tackle boxes will be over a big area and a small area
Illinois Speed and Agility Test with stick and ball Aim of test: to measure the agility of player with stick and ball and the control of ball on stick Measures: The player should have 2 scores starting on the left and starting on the right side Goal: To complete the test as fast as possible with the most amount of control