For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 100:5
A generation is defined as a people born and living at about the same time - shaped by the same culture and events
Builders (prior to 1946) Boomers (1946-1964) Generation X (1965-1979) Millennials (1980-1995)
Generation Z Born Between 1996-2010 (2000-2015)
Also Known As iGeneration net-gen digital natives mobile natives
Recent Stats on Generation Z
Market Research Educational Research
Meet Generation Z by James Emery White
Growing Young by Powell, Mulder, & Griffin
Meet Generation Z
Largest Generation Sparks & Honey. Meet Generation Z: Forget Everything You Know About Millennials
Nearly of the world population (1.86 billion) 1/3 Nearly of the world population (1.86 billion)
From Generation Z’s perspective has always existed The Mindset List: 2019 List, Beloit College
From Generation Z’s perspective Email is formal Texting is casual The Mindset List: 2019 List, Beloit College
From Generation Z’s perspective You’ve never needed to lick a stamp The Mindset List: 2019 List, Beloit College
Compared to 1-2 for Millennials Use 3-5 Screens Compared to 1-2 for Millennials
Prefer “Snackable” Content
Connecting with Generation Z 1 Connecting with Generation Z 1. Focus on One Topic but Vary Teaching Methods
Ask Yourself: What’s the one thing I want my students to understand today?
“Take Jesus’ Message Seriously”
“How would you describe the central message of the gospel?”
Ask Yourself: How might I teach that one message in a variety of ways?
Seemiller & Grace. Generation Z Goes to College Relational & Collaborative Seemiller & Grace. Generation Z Goes to College
Prefer Face-to-Face Communication
Connecting with Generation Z 2. Engage Students Face-to-Face
True Discipleship can only take place in the context of Relationships
“Fuel a Warm Community”
Connecting with Generation Z 3. Less Lecture and More Group Discussion
Facilitated Learning & Group Work
Can I Ask That?
Using these scriptures respond to the following: Is Jesus really the only way to God? John 14:6, Acts 4:12, Phil. 2:10
Social Activist who want to join a Cause Vallone, et. al. Agents of Social Change: A Model for Targeting and Engaging Generation Z across Platforms
Connecting with Generation Z 4. Link Ministry to Social Issues
“Be the best neighbors”
“What is it about your church that makes it effective with teenagers?”
Nearly 60% responded “service practices, missional practices, being outward oriented”
The Problem
78% believe in God Seemiller & Grace. Generation Z Goes to College and Northeaster University. Innovation survey
41% attend weekly religious services Seemiller & Grace. Generation Z Goes to College
8% cite a religious leader as a role model “Innovation Imperative: Meet Generation Z,” Northeastern University
anti-homosexual judgmental hypocritical old-fashioned “Innovation Imperative: Meet Generation Z,” Northeastern University
The Countercultural Church
To be Countercultural we must be Christlike
What might God do in and through this generation?