The Role of Air Traffic Control in A CDM ENVIRONMENT 3RD ANNUAL CDM CONFERENCE, SOUTH AFRICA Presented by: Admore Chirongoma. Air Traffic Services Manager. CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF ZIMBABWE
SCOPE Introduction Role of ATC in a CDM Environment CDM Benefits for Air Traffic Services Units Conclusion
Introduction (ICAO DOC 9971) Airport CDM Manual gives a description of CDM and identifies the different actors and stakeholders. CDM partners include airport operators, aircraft operators/ground handlers and ATC and other aviation stake holders.
Introduction (Continued) Stakeholders in a CDM environment work together more efficiently and transparently in the way they share data. CDM specifically, aims to improve the overall efficiency of operations at an airport. Lack of effective collaborative decision making and lack of common definition and understanding of some terms and processes can worsen misunderstanding and contribute to the lack of common situational awareness and inefficiency.
Role of ATC in a CDM Environment Notable among the many roles played by ATC in a CDM environment is the sharing of information include the following: Estimated arrival times (EAT) Actual time of arrival (ATA) Estimated departure times based on planning data provided by handling agent Runway in use and runway capacity
Role of ATC in a CDM Environment (Cont…) Providing more accurate arrival times, allows for more accurate planning with more efficient use of resources by ground handlers. Influences effective communication and sharing of information with other stakeholders by ATC, fuel burn as a result of queuing at the runway holding point will be reduced, which has both economic and environmental benefits
Role of ATC in a CDM Environment (Cont…) Using Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A- SMGCS), Arrival manager (AMAN) and Departure Manager (DMAN), the flight information is updated and shared at every milestone.
Role of ATC in a CDM Environment (Cont…) Air Traffic Control is partly the main actor and driver of A-CDM process through the provision of timely information to other relevant stakeholders. ATC provide real time update to airlines on runway change and increase or decrease of runway departure/arrival capacity,
Role of ATC in a CDM Environment (Cont…) Euro-control and CAMU are best example of an ATC stakeholder that employs this concept of improving Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) where CDM is seen as part of optimizing the overall ATFM process and very much focused on the turnaround process of flights at airports.
Role of ATC in a CDM Environment (Cont…) In order to ensure a more efficient aircraft arrival, turn-round and departure process at the airport, another ATC role in a CDM environment is reducing the number of wasted slots aimed at improving optimization and enhancing the use of existing airport infrastructure, through the use of such tools as Calculated Take Off Time (CTOT).
Role of ATC in a CDM Environment (Cont…) Through ATC, other key stakeholders and service providers can be made aware of constraints, issues and needs. If the data and information required to enhance efficiency exists, it must be shared within the network in real-time to facilitate better decision-making across the stakeholder community.
CDM Benefits for Air Traffic Services Units Flexible pre-departure planning Reduced apron and taxiway congestion Smooth flow of traffic eases air traffic controllers’ workload Improved En-route capacity Cleaner environment – reduced carbon emissions.
Conclusion The role ATC in a CDM environment can not be emphasized enough. CDM is a concept which aims at improving Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) at airports by reducing delays, and optimizing utilization of resources. Collaborative partners like airport operators, aircraft operator and ATC must employ innovative tools and more importantly, work together and transparently in the way they share data.
Conclusion (Cont.) ATC plays a critical and central role of connecting all other stakeholders in providing them with accurate and timely information regarding Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM). The use of user friendly tools like Calculated Take Off Times (CTOT), in Air Traffic Flow Management environment, help improve the entire ATM Network.