First Grade Newsletter October, 2016 Classroom News Dates to Remember 10/12 Picture Day 10/13 Skate Party 10/14 Fall Festival 10/17-10/21 Peacemaker Week 10/21 Report cards go home 10/27 Zoo Field Trip 10/31 Miss Alaineus Parade 10/31 Fall Parties Classroom News October is a very busy month! Our fall festival will be on Friday, October 14. Look for information about volunteering for the festival and our classroom games! Be sure to look for report cards on October 21. Also, we will be taking a field trip to the zoo on October 27, and will need as many chaperones as possible. Details to follow! Finally, our Miss Alaineus parade and fall parties will be on October 31. Remember, students dress as a vocabulary word, phrase or idiom. Be creative and have fun with costumes! Contact Us! LPAS 485-8291 Thanks to all of you who have been sending snacks—we appreciate your donations! Please continue to send them in--pretzels, goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, vanilla wafers, are all perfect. Your child may also bring his/her own snack.
What We’re Learning This Month Spelling Words Short /o/ This is our list for 10/10-10/14. These will change weekly—check red folder! hog log mom fox pop pot dog not dock rock “Like” our Facebook pages for exciting updates on what is happening in our classrooms! Mrs. Kolb: Coming Soon! Mrs. Coots: Ms. Baxter: What We’re Learning This Month Literacy: I can identify story elements and tell their importance. I can retell the beginning, middle and end of a story. I can identify text features in informational text and explain their purpose. I can identify the main idea of a text. I can write sentences with capitalization at the beginning and punctuation at the end. I can write a narrative about something that happened to me. Math: I can use strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems within 10. I can explain that two digit numbers represent groups of tens and ones. I can tell time to the hour and half hour. Science: I can identify the parts of a plant. I can tell what a plant needs to grow. Social Studies: I can explain the difference between conflict and cooperation. I can identify and explain my rights and responsibilities at home, school and in the community Gumball Math will begin 10/10. We will be practicing one set of math facts per week, with a quiz on Friday. Our first set will be + 0. (1+0=1, 9+0=9, etc.) Keep practicing Club Words!