Alessandro Lonardo Referente Locale TT Sezione di Roma 1 Piero Vicini


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Presentation transcript:

HISSIST (High Speed Serial Links Signal Integrity Toolsuite) Technology Transfer Project Alessandro Lonardo Referente Locale TT Sezione di Roma 1 Piero Vicini TETRACOM/HISSIST technical coordinator 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT HISSIST TTP Partners: INFN Sezione di Roma 1 (Gruppo APE, P. Vicini) Eurotech S.p.A. Amaro (Udine), Italy Objective: Provide a toolsuite for HPC systems physical layer links qualification and system interconnection hardware validation. 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT INFN Gruppo APE Designed several generations of custom HPC systems (from ASIC to integrated system) APE100 (1989-1994) APEmille (1995-2000) apeNEXT (2001-2006) 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT INFN Gruppo APE …and two generations of PCI 3D NICs for clusters (third is on the way…): APEnet V3 (2003-2006) APEnet V4 (2009-2014) APEnet V5 (2014- ) 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT INFN Gruppo APE All of them implementing a 3D Torus Network Interconnect (on backplanes and cables) 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT INFN Gruppo APE Developed a toolsuite (FPGA firmware and host software) to test, measure BER and perform signal integrity of FPGA embedded high speed serial links 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT EUROTECH S.p.A. Global company (Italy, France, UK, USA, Japan, China), about 400 employes. Products: Embedded Boards & Modules, Embedded Systems, Pervasive Computing Devices, Supercomputers. Long track record of collaboration with INFN (APEmille, apeNEXT, APEnet production, Aurora design, …) 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT EUROTECH and HPC AURORA HPC systems, water cooling Deep and Deep-er EU FP7 HPC architectures 3D Torus Interconnect Needs a tool for fast test and qualification of the 3D Torus interconnect 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT HISSIST TT Concept INFN has developed several generations of 3D torus network FPGA-based hardware able to interconnect large scale computing systems. EUROTECH HPC systems of recent and future introduction adopt a FPGA-based MDTN as interconnection architecture. Test and qualification of such systems is a critical and time consuming task without a dedicated tool able to verify the hardware once the whole system has been completely assembled. INFN has developed HISSIST, a complete test toolsuite for physical layer links qualification and system interconnection hardware validation. INFN will grant to EUROTECH a non-exclusive license to use the HISSIST toolsuite. 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

HISSIST TT Workplan (12 M) Analysis and specification phase (INFN + EUROTECH) Porting of HISSIST FPGA firmware on target devices, toolsuite interface customization and documentation (INFN). Deployment of HISSIST FPGA firmware on EUROTECH systems, on-site test and validation (INFN + EUROTECH). Analysis of results and report writing. The report will also include suggestions for performance and reliability improvement (INFN + EUROTECH). 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT HISSIST TT Resources 12 MM of a hardware designer at INFN 3 MM of a test engineer at EUROTECH 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT HISSIST TT Budget INFN direct costs (45k EUR): 12 MM of a hw designer (31k EUR) Travel costs total: 6k EUR Software licenses and consumables: 5k EUR. General overhead: 3k EUR. Additional costs for INFN staff personnel MM required for management are not included. 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT HISSIST TT Budget EUROTECH direct costs (51k EUR): Licensing costs for use of INFN HISSIST IP: 30k EUR. 3 MM of test engineer for test case definition, final specifications and on site test of HISSIST IP (in kind): 21k EUR. Additional funding needed to go! 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT TETRACOM Partial Funding for Academia-Industry Technology Transfer Projects in Computing Systems TETRACOM (Technology Transfer in Computing Systems) is a Coordination Action funded by the European Commission under FP7 to coordinate and support technology transfers from academia to industry. Initial consortium composed of academic partners active in computing system research fields Co-funding of selected, “worthy” TTP actions Provides “Individual Consultation Service” for Technology Transfer in Computing Systems Multiple calls expected 1° call closed March 31, 2014 300k EUR budget 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT TETRACOM Partial Funding for Academia-Industry Technology Transfer Projects in Computing Systems 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT TETRACOM Partial Funding for Academia-Industry Technology Transfer Projects in Computing Systems 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT TETRACOM Partial Funding for Academia-Industry Technology Transfer Projects in Computing Systems TETRACOM funding is only for academic beneficiaries (e.g. universities, research centers, etc). The company partner will either co-fund the transfer project at the university or invest its own work – or both. All the costs need to be eligible costs as per EU FP7 project rules, e.g., no value added tax included. Total budget can span from 20k to 200k EUR, of which TETRACOM can pay up to 50% (10k to 100k EUR) expected average size of the TETRACOM grant will be 25k EUR Mandatory: public summary of the activity to be published after the TTP. 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

HISSIST in TETRACOM TTP March 28, TTP proposal submitted May 29, TTP proposal accepted (30k EUR TETRACOM contribution): The academic partner has to become a member of the Tetracom  consortium Acceptance is conditional on there being a contract in place between the 2 partners (waiting for EUROTECH to sign contract) Complete an impact  analysis questionnaire at the end of the transfer. Acceptance is conditional on agreement to complete this questionnaire. 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT

HISSIST in TETRACOM: status Eurotech-INFN Hissist research contract on the way Almost completed, finalization expected before end of July CD Preliminary steps for TETRACOM membership: done INFN coordinator : P.Vicini INFN Administrative contact: Michela Giovagnoli Completed (and accepted) Legal Information and Budget detailing forms Waiting for HISSIST final/signed research contract to complete “new partner accession” procedure September 1st, start of technical activities 10-07-2014 XI Incontro con i Referenti Locali TT