Carnival daYs I.C. Tocci Cagli Italy
WHY CARNIVAL WORD? The Carnival is a festivity celebrated in countries with a Catholic tradition. The celebration often takes place with public parades, with a lot of playful and imaginative elements. In particular the use of the mask is distinctive and characteristic of the Carnival. The word Carnival comes from the Latin “carnem levare” (“to eliminate meat"), as it indicated the banquet that was held on the last day of Carnival, just before the period of abstinence and fasting of Lent, 40 days before Easter. The main festivities take place on Shrove Tuesday and the previous Thursday, called giovedì grasso (Fat Thursday). On Ash Wednesday, the day after Shrove Thursday, Lent begins.
The masks of La commedia dell’arte The masks, in La Commedia dell’Arte (The art comedy), are characters representing man’s vices and virtues: they are stereotypes, they wear a distinctive costume and move with codified gestures. Carlo Goldoni, a Venetian playwright, wrote many comedies featuring these masks.
Balanzone: the conceited doctor Brighella: a crafty servant, always at odds with Harlequin Arlecchino: a trickster servant, who is always hungry Pulcinella: melancholic servant, silly and wise at the same time Pantalone: old merchant who loves beautiful women Colombina: clever but mischievous maid , loved by Harlequin
People wearing masks and costumes can totally conceal their identities; they get rid of any link to their social class, gender, religion. Everyone can assume new attitudes and behaviour thanks to their new costumes. On Carnival day everything is allowed: the poor can be rich, the rich can be poor, the weak can be strong and vice versa. The world gets upside-down. The very essence of the Carnival is the joyous participation to a collective disguised ritual, where every practical joke is allowed.
VENICE’S CARNIVAL Venice is one of the most important towns in Italy where the Carnival is celebrated every year. Thus, a lot of workshops and shops were founded in Venice, and nowadays, disguise making is one of its most successful industries.
VIAREGGIO’S CARNIVAL Viareggio’s Carnival is considered the most important Carnival in the world. Very large carnival floats parade on the city's waterfront. The main theme of the event is always political and social satire.
IVREA’S CARNIVAL The Historic Carnival of Ivrea, famous for its Battle of the Oranges, is considered one of the oldest and most special in the world. Its traditional ceremonial hasn’t changed for a very long time. The entire Carnival is an allegory of the citizens’ revolt against the tyrant of the city. After the battle the wagons parade through the city streets, giving out sweets and gifts to the audience.
FANO’S CARNIVAL Fano’s Carnival is one of the oldest Carnival in our country: the first document to mention this festivity dates back to 1347. A legend has it that it was born when two opposing families of the town reconciled after years of struggle. It is celebrated with carnival floats, masks and costumes, a firework display marks the end of the celebration.