Digital Storytelling ESS 2009 Wade Helleson ktylerconk
Goals: Gain an understanding of digital storytelling Experience multiple ways to tell a story digitally Create a digital story
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Application: Tools Overview Implementation Practice and Support Photo Story 3 -David Jake's Photo Story 3 tutorial Window's Movie Maker VoiceThread Xtranormal-Text-to-Movie Google Maps List from CogDogBlog Overview Center for Digital Storytelling Implementation Story Starters storyboards-PowerPoint motivation-publish for an audience (blog, wiki, website, etc.) Practice and Support creating your own digital story
Generalize: Were your personal goals for this session met? What questions do you still have? Feedback Gain an understanding of digital storytelling Experience multiple ways to tell a story digitally Create a digital story GANAG Lesson Design Schema from Jane E. Pollock’s Blog, Improving Student Learning