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Boran Genotype conservation Madda/PA Siminto 4 Bitata 13 Mie’sa 9 Bururi 7 Bulubul Boran X Guji or Boran Arsi Genotype (% of total)
Boran Genotype conservation Locations perceived to have relatively intact Boran cattle Moyalle (laye, Goff) Dire Arero Yabello (Harawayu) Teletele (El Dima, Hoboke, Marmaro) Liben( Hadessa Qorate)
Boran Genotype conservation Areas of concern Bura Didaya Buya Sorora Did Yabello Tula Wayu
Boran Genetic Conservation What is being Done? ILRI snap survey Characteristics (phenotypic) Perception on dilution/verification Potential for collaborative work to: Map areas of concern Map mobility Identify areas of variable dilution Carry out DNA profiling Develop mechanism of conserving the breed -Policy