Internet as a tool for health education of medical personnel Magdalena Czerwinska Department of Economics and Management of Economy Lublin University of Technology
Purpose of the research To discuss the review of the most reliable Polish medical portals designed for doctors and other medical personnel
Main research questions What are the reasons for the existence of medical portals designed for doctors and other medical personnel What are the advantages to be gained using such portals
Introduction Medical services as knowledge-based activities The Internet as a source of health information available to all its users The quality of information that can be found on the Internet HONcode – a certification system of medical web pages
Portals addressed to doctors and medical services: to improve professional skills of medical personnel should provide a reliable source of expert knowledge should be a platform for exchanging experiences should enable maintaining professional contacts with other doctors to allow promote medical specialty
Review of selected portals dedicated to medical staff in Poland The most popular and best rated in terms of reliability portals dedicated to medical staff in Poland are:
The Portal one of the largest portals for professionals involved in medicine and health care (nurses, midwives, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, paramedics, students and medical schools staff) in Poland established in 2000 nearly a hundred thousand users using the service is free
What is the offer of The Portal ? the latest medical information from the country and from abroad the most interesting scientific publications, highlights and comments access to laboratory standards depending on the age and sex of the patient collection of scales to assist in assessing the state of health of the patient
What is the offer of The Portal ? specialized forum for physicians dedicated to vaccinations or insomnia a full on-line edition of the most popular among Polish doctors Pharmindex drug database along with the unique ability to quickly check interactions between different drugs, prescribed to the same patient
What is the offer of The Portal ? recommended medical resources from Poland and the world, useful in medical education, scientific research and everyday medical practice practical advice and lawyers tips, who are specialized in problems of running a medical practice, professional and criminal liability of doctors and nurses and the activities of healthcare institutions
What is the offer of The Portal ? database of conferences, symposia and training multimedia service with extensive resources of educational films for medical staff
The Portal Fig. 1 Main page of portal
Portal Practical Medicine – used by 73% of web-surfing doctors a professional, typically an informative medical website using the service is free of charge
What is the offer of Portal Practical Medicine ? the huge number of scientific articles the results of the latest medical research information on current trainings an archive of audio-visual materials (lectures, training materials, interviews)
What is the offer of Portal Practical Medicine ? a doctors database, containing business cards created by doctors with contact details and information about professional achievements and scientific achievements and interests a database of all medical institutions
Portal Practical Medicine – Fig. 2 Main page of portal
Portal social networking site only for doctors established in 2008 52,000 users Its purpose is to enable doctors to exchange views on the difficult clinical cases and other problems related to doctors occupational Registration and use of the service is free
What is the offer of Portal ? users can read content posted on the site, upload your own posts, post comments, participate in polls, create your own survey two main sections of portal are: clinical problems divided by 72 specializations discussions on selected health issues the results of the latest discoveries in medicine and scientific articles
What is the offer of Portal ? subservices: (including: educational testing, medical consultation, recruitment advertisements for doctors, medical conferences database and notices) (contact base to professionals recommended by practitioners) (social network only for doctors)
Portal Fig. 3 Main page of portal
Portal the largest online library of high quality professional medical movies (over 14 000 materials) established in 2011 an innovative sharing medical knowledge web portal based on multimedia content using the website is free
What is the offer of Portal ? medical videos, surgical videos, broadcasting live surgery events, photos of medical cases, visualizations and animations, interviews, presentations, webcasts, case-reports and other professional materials in all medical specialties the materials come from physicians, medical societies and universities, as well as their own production of MEDtube
What is the offer of Portal ? operates in two languages: the Polish ( and the English ( conducts online medical publisher (MEDtube Tribune), which publishes medical articles, cases and news focused on new technologies and discoveries in Healthcare
Portal Fig. 4 Main page of portal
Portal a website on guidelines for medicine (the first in Poland ) based on the websites of organizations such as the National Institute of Clinical Excellence, National Health and Medical Research Council
What is the offer of Portal ? educational and reference database for doctors in Poland medical guidelines are intended to help users in: rapidly acquiring medical data, access to knowledge based on scientific evidence, implement new practices and improve communication in the medical community educational videos and e-learning
Portal Fig. 5 Main page of Portal
Conclusions The portals which was described in this paper represent only a fraction of professional medical content available on the Internet for different groups of entities - qualified medical staff, but also patients The number of these portals and their popularity, as reflected in the frequency of use by users with content presented there, testify to the high demand for such services
Conclusions Presented in the article characteristics of portals confirm the assumed working hypothesis about big role of the Internet as a source of health information By the development of ICT technology medical staff received a powerful educational tool in the form of the Internet
Conclusions It should be emphasised, that only the high quality of the content posted on the presented portals guarantees their educational functions
Conclusions This has the undoubted advantage of this form of education: its low cost (no charge for the use of portals), fast access to the most current medical knowledge at any time, the possibility of using other people's experiences and exchange of opinions on medical issues
Conclusions A study on the practical aspects of using the websites by the medical staff could become an interesting development considerations Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of portals could be done There is ongoing scientific research on the basis of which the ranking of portals could be created
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