8th Grade Family Life Unit - Intro Mrs. Himes
Introduction How can family life education be helpful to you? Why is it so important to have clear, accurate information? Why is it important to look at issues and clarify feelings before making decisions related to relationships and sexual behavior?
Program Rules You are free to ask any questions. You may pass at any time you wish. No one will be required to participate in any specific activity if you prefer not to. However, what might the benefit of participating be? You must be sensitive toward classmates with differing points of view. It is alright to disagree, but it is not alright to put each other down.
Program Rules Cont. Confidentiality is a must during this unit. You are NOT to quote each other outside of the class. You are responsible for your own self-disclosure. Appropriate vs. Inappropriate Self-Disclosure: What’s the difference? Ex. you should not disclose the private experiences of family members or friends You will be encouraged to share many class activities with your parents.
Lesson 1 – Description of Family Life Unit Throughout this unit, there will be many class discussions about sexual topics The goal for this unit is the following: To create a class environment where people can feel comfortable to talk and listen during discussions about sexual topics.
Ground Rules for Class Discussion: No put-downs. Be sensitive to other people’s feelings. It’s alright to pass (not answer a question). Try to use correct terms rather than slang. If a student doesn’t know the correct term, s/he should use the term known and the teacher will supply the correct term. No one should talk about personal matters or ask personal questions of others.
Ground Rules for Class Discussion Cont. No talking about other students’ comments outside of the classroom. There are no dumb questions. If the teacher feels a question is too personal or inappropriate for class discussion, s/he may pass. Discuss the issues raised in class with parents. Be accurate in your reporting of information and discussion. Don’t exaggerate.
Question Box People of all ages have questions about sex; it is very natural to have questions. Sometimes they are never answered because people aren’t given an opportunity to ask. This activity will give you an opportunity to ask any questions you would like.
Question Box Rules Slips of paper will be passed out to everyone in class. DO NOT put your name on the piece of paper. Again, there is no such thing as a dumb question. You are welcome to ask anything you want except personal questions about the teacher or other students’ family life. You must all write something on your slip. You can either write a question or you can say “I have no questions to ask at this time.”
Question Box Rules Cont. Questions you ask for the question box could be: Questions you don’t feel comfortable asking in class Feedback on how the class is going Input regarding some information you want covered during the unit
Question Box Rules Cont All questions are valid. However, I will have to make the final decision about the appropriateness of each question for total class discussion. If you turn in a question anonymously which I choose not to answer, it is not because it is a bad question. I may feel that it is not of interest to all students or that I am not prepared to lead a class discussion around that issue. Please see me at the end of class if this happens so that I can try to answer your question privately.
Question Box Rules Cont. In this class, I will be trying to balance two conflicting goals. I want to communicate so that you understand. Sometimes you may not know the correct (acceptable) word for something you have a question about. Use whatever word you know to ask that question and I will answer using the correct word.
Question Box Rules Cont. After you are finished writing your question on the slip of paper, I will pass around the question box. Questions will be collected at the end of the previous class to give me time to read over them prior to class.
Family Life Unit The Family Life Unit of health in the secondary grades strives to embrace these ideals or values that characterize a caring citizen of a well-ordered society: Honesty: Developing personal integrity rooted in respect for the truth, in intellectual curiosity and in the desire to learn. Courage: Having both the intellectual strength to develop opinions that are based on fact and in accord with the laws of reason and society as well as with personal/family conviction; and having the personal strength to express those opinions. Fairness: Having a sense of justice, rectitude, and fair play and respecting the rights of others to hold and express differing views. Responsibility: Having a sense of duty to self, family, school, community, and society and fulfilling that duty in one’s actions.
Family Life Unit Cont. Self-Discipline: Developing a sense of pride in one’s self, family, school, community, and society and fulfilling that duty in one’s actions. Self-Esteem: Developing a sense of pride in one’s self that is rooted in the recognition of one’s own actions. Consideration: Showing understanding sympathy, concern, and compassion for others. Sharing/Service: Developing the awareness that all members of a community must cooperate and give of themselves to serve the common good.
So…What’s Next? Once you have your packets, please open them up and look at the following worksheets (P &T = Parent & Teen): P & T Class Rules Signatures P & T Family Life Decision Making P & T Messages About Sex P & T Abstinence Worksheet P & T Contract Parent Feedback Form All of these worksheets are due to be completed by the end of the unit