Energy Remediation solutions Bioremediation 361-730-9984
Advantages of Energy Remediation Solutions Bioremediation Products Accelerated Degradation Reliable Remediation Option Lower Clean Up Levels Convenient Application Natural Process Product Recovery Combining Technologies 361-730-9984
Microbial Degradation of Compounds Readily Degradable Most Difficult to Degrade Most volatiles larger PAH compounds Many semi-volatiles PCB’s Some pesticides some pesticides Some small PAH Compounds Non-biodegradable metals & in-Organic scales 361-730-9984
Bioremediation Technologies Landfarming Subsurface injection Augmented biopiles Insitu bioremediation Slurry reactors Liquid bioreactors Vapor phase reactors bioslurping 361-730-9984
ERS Products General Characteristics Safe to handle Mixtures (ecosystems) Chosen for specific activity Chosen to eliminate undesirable properties 361-730-9984
Applications for ERS products Airports , military & naval yards Breweries Food processing plants Meat & poultry plants Wastewater collection & treatment plants restaurants Zoos 361-730-9984
Environmental stewardship All ERS products are among the safest used in the oilfield. Low in hazardous potential and non-pathogenic to humans, animals, the water supply, and safe for the environment ERS offers safe effective treatments New, innovative, clean Microbes reduce operating costs and environmental liability Improve public image 361-730-9984