Work Package Two Summary Exploring Novel Materials Systems KU Leuven ESR4 Contact Formation on wide bandgap semiconductors M2.1 in-situ RBS, ERDA, SIMS and Z contrast TEM on metal-semiconductor systems D2.1 Publish results on C and N distribution during metal/semicon reactions and on reaction mechanisms. Ni phase formation in SiC and Ge UPMC ESR5 Improved Charged Particle Detection using Multi-Segment Detectors M2.2 Enhanced digital data acquisition M2.3 Design light-proof or annular detector D2.2 Functioning 16 channel digital data acquisition system D2.3 Manuscript on first results using enhanced multi detector system Segmented Detector and digital processing, Fe-doped Topological Insulator study IST ESR6 Improvement in Rare Earth Luminescence Efficiency in AlxGa1-xN Alloys M2.4 Comparison of channeling theory and experiments M2.5 Intercomparison for IAEA CRP, ERDA manual D2.4 Model RE site location in AxlGa1-xN alloys
Contact formation : Ni/Ge Study Ni contact formation on Ge → Diffusion of elements Ni NiGe Ge Ni 20nm Pd or Pt Ge Ge BUT : 0.3-8 nm Annealing 350°C unstable above 400°C Stable up to 600°C
Samples for the study of Dominant Diffusing Species – - Use of inert markers Ge Ni-20nm Pd or Pt Ge Germanides Ge Ni-20nm Pd or Pt annealing Marker 1
Example : Tungsten marker in position 1 Ge W Pd Ni Incident He ions marker substrate
Real time measurements GePd4W2 Pd W 2d sin (ө) = nλ Pd2Ge Ni Ni5Ge3 NiGe 2ө (deg.) Ge Ni-19.7 nm Pd -3.7 nm W -0.5 nm
Conclusions The presence of Pd or Pt in the NiGe contact extends thermal stability up to 600°C Ni is the DDS in both NiPdGe and NiPtGe systems The presence of the marker delays (Pd) but does not alter the redistribution of elements poster “Study of Ni-germanide phase formation in Ge(001) with Pd or Pt interlayer” at the IITC/MAM 2015 ,May 18–21, 2015 in Grenoble, France; talk: ”Rutherford backscattering study of Ni(Pt/Pd)Ge formation on Ge (100)” at IBA 2015 - 22nd International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, June 14-19, 2015, Opatija, Croatia; poster “Determination of the dominant diffusing species in the Ni/Pd/Ge and Ni/Pt/Ge systems”, at MAM 2016 – Materials for Advanced Metalization, March 20-23, Brussels, Belgium.
Large Solid Angle Segmented Detector Characterization Depletion layer -> C-V measurement Dead layer -> 241Am source Charge Collection Efficiency ->IBIC Interstrip behaviour -> IBIC Housing improvements Milestone 2.3 – Annular detector design
Large Solid Angle Segmented Detector Characterization: Interstrip IBIC: Charge Collection efficiency with protons at 4500 keV Three zones: Detector Segment SiO2 Guard Ring A B C
Analogue and Digital systems comparison He+ @ 1.5 MeV θ=165° ZnSe-capping/Bi2Se3/GaAs-substrate Topological Insulator
Applications Topological Insulator Trivial insulator in the volume, conductor on the surface Bulk Band: insulator/Semiconductor Surface Band: Topological Surface State => Dirac Cone + Spin- momentum locking + topologically protected by Time Reverse Symmetry (robustness) Magnetic doping: breaking TRS + open TSS gap => exotic and interesting states (spintronic, particle physics…) L. Fu, C. L. Kane, and E. J. Mele, “Topological insulators in three dimensions,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 98, no. March, pp. 1–4, 2007. M. Z. Hasan and C. L. Kane, “Colloquium: Topological insulators,” Rev. Mod. Phys., vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 3045–3067, Nov. 2010. Q. Liu, C.-X. Liu, C. Xu, X.-L. Qi, and S.-C. Zhang, “Magnetic Impurities on the Surface of a Topological Insulator,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 102, no. 15, p. 156603, Apr. 2009.
Applications Other Materials: Organic Solar cell substrates MoOx: Initial stoichiometry Environmental oxidation: oxygen depth diffusion Organic compound: elemental composition, ion damage Organic/Inorganic interfaces Perovskite Different kind of perovskites elemental composition and ion damage evolution Spiro-OMeTAD (organic compound) elemental composition and ion damage evolution
Instituto Superior Técnico Damage recovery studies and luminescence efficiency in AlxGa1-xN alloys implanted with Rare Earth ions Instituto Superior Técnico
Most important results and conclusion RBS spectra of Gan taken as an exemple Damage build up of AlGaN alloys Element distribution from ERDA Ion implantation creates bimodal damage distribution, with damage peaks at the surface and in the bulk. Surface damage decreases for Al-containing alloys. But the effect of AlN concentration on the radiation resistance is complex and depends on the fluences. Diffusion of nitrogen atoms from the bulk to the surface or out-diffusion after implantation for high AlN content alloys All nitride alloys present an efficient dynamic annealing.
Most important results and conclusion There is an efficient damage recovery at 1400° C temperature annealing, above this temperature there is formation of extended defect or diffusion. Achievement of optical activation of the Eu3+ after high temperature (1400° C) and high N2 pressure annealing.
List of papers and conference contributions D.Nd. Faye, E. Wendler, M. Felizardo, S. Magalhães, E. Alves, F. Brunner, M. Weyers, K. Lorenz, Mechanisms of Implantation Damage Formation in AlxGa1-xN Compounds, J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 7277−7283 D. Nd. Faye, M. Fialho, S. Magalhães, E. Alves, N. Ben Sedrine, J. Rodrigues, M. R. Correia, T. Monteiro, M. Bockowski, V. Hoffmann, M. Weyers, K. Lorenz, Study of damage formation and annealing of implanted III-nitride semiconductors for optoelectronic devices, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys, B 379 (2016) 251–254 Talks 22nd International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis (IBA), Opatija, Croatia, June 14 - 19, 2015: “Mechanisms of damage formation in AlGaN alloys implanted with Ar and Eu ions”, 2. Workshop Semiconductors Meet Ion Beams (SMIB 2015), Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, June 25-26, 2015: “Implantation damage in AlGaN alloys”. 3. 13th Expert Evaluation and Control of Compound Semiconductor Materials and Technologies, Aveiro; Portugal, June 6‐10, 2016: “Structural, Optical and Electrical Characterization of Implanted AlGaN alloys”. Posters D. Faye, E. Wendler, M. Felizardo, N. Franco, E. Alves, F. Brunner, M. Weyers, K. Lorenz, “Implantation Damage Formation in AlGan Alloys”, 13th European Vacuum Conference | 9th Iberian Vacuum Meeting | 7th European Topical Conference on Hard Coatings, Aveiro, Portugal, September 7-12, (2014). D. Faye, E. Wendler, M. Felizardo, N. Franco, E. Alves, F. Brunner, M. Weyers, K. Lorenz, “Implantation Damage Formation in AlGan Alloys”, FÍSICA 2014 – 19ª Conferência Nacional de Física, Lisboa, Portugal, 2 – 4 September, (2014).
SPRITE training courses and secondments 1 : Basics of particle-matter interaction and damage processes and radiation protection issues 25-27 June 2014, Caen 2: Detector & Acquisition Workshop, Ljubljana, February 2015. 3: Advanced Software for IBA Analysis & Theory (analytic and Monte-Carlo calculations) and Application of Ion Channelling, Lisbon, May 2015. Secondments 1st Secondment is done 7-21 March 2016 at Zurich learning how the ERDA technique works and measuring our samples. 2nd secondment programmed on October at ZAGREB