Bladder & Bowel Service – A Nurse Led Service; Trafford NHS Provider Services Diane McNicoll Continence Advisor/Service Manager Delamere Centre 864 0322 (pt advisory line 864 0319 9-11.30 mon to fri) Open referral system Triage: urgent – within 2 working days Non urgent – within 3 weeks Clinic or home visit Exclusions: Haematuria Proven recurrent UTI (>2 in 6/12) Out of area GPs Male patients where underlying pathology has not been ruled out Ca pathway Referral criteria: frequency, urgency of micturition with or without urinary incontinence. Stress incontinence Functional incontinence Constipation Voiding difficulties Bowel dysfunction associated with laxative therapy Assessment Process: Specialist level nurse Assessment - Symptom analysis Analysis of bladder/bowel diary Medication review Pelvic floor assessment Bladder scan MSU/swabs Relevant past med/surg history QOL questionnaire Treatments: Life style changes Fluid intake advice Behaviour modification/ Toileting advice Pelvic floor exercises Recommendations to GP For specific medication Review of infection status Retention specific treatments written advice sent to GP during treatment or at discharge Note: Compliance with NICE at conservative treatment level Direct referral pathway to Urogynaecology, Physiotherapy Or Urology at TGH including access to mdt advice