A Day In The Life… in Ms. Martin, Ms. Kathleen, and Ms. Tia’s Classroom 2016-2017
Speech Laurie Wheeler and Jamie Hutchinson Our speech teachers do lessons in our classroom and pull students other times during the week. Our favorite activities are gardening and singing.
OT Karen Peay
In our classroom we expose students to Common Core grade level curriculum
Our Behavior System Students receive a coin at designated times for following the rules. If they have 4-5 coins they go to treasure box.
7:20-8:00 Students get off the bus and complete morning work. Students have the option to eat breakfast in the cafeteria or classroom. Morning work includes practice writing students names and putting the letters of students names in order. Teachers help students with toileting skills. Once students complete morning work they have the option of the activity table or reading a book. At 7:50 do the pledge, listen to announcements and watch the news.
8:00-8:45 Morning Meeting Who is at school? Who is a boy and who is a girl? Math skills like counting addition Reading skills, including reading visual prompts with picture symbols The feeling helper asks each student how they feel and students practice answering by using visual prompts or assistive technology devices. Students graph their feelings Singing and dancing to practice language skills, counting, colors, etc.
8:45 - 9:35 Reading & Math Centers Students work on IEP driven goals and grade appropriate standards during this time. Students have a center where they use DT trainer on the computer for 10 minutes. Students work on weekly vocabulary and academic skills. Students spend at least 10 minutes working on workboxes. These workboxes help students increase independent skills and skills they need for everyday life such as cutting coupons, buttoning, snapping, etc.
9:35-9:50 Snack Snack time is for social and communication skills. Students wash their hands. The snack helper sets the table by putting a plate and glass of water out for each student. The snack asker asks each student what they want for snack using picture prompts or an assistive technology device. Students choose between 2 choices and must ask for snack using a complete sentence. Students clear their plates and glasses when they are done and the dish washer washes the dishes.
9:50-10:35 Specials Monday: Music Tuesday PE (Ms. Martin attends to adapt PE) Wednesday: Art Thursday: PE (Ms. Martin attends to adapt PE) Friday: specials rotation Students need to wear gym shoes Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
9:35-11:00 Free Choice Time Students choose toys from the toy cabinet and have time to interact with each other and play. Students are responsible for cleaning up after themselves. Teachers help students with toileting skills.
11:00 – 11:05 Bathrooms Washing hands for lunch and getting ready for lunch
11:09- 11:39 Lunch Students pick their lunches and practice social skills and communication skills at lunch in the Cafeteria.
11:39-11:45 Brush teeth and wash up
11:45-12:10 Calendar Time Whole-group instruction using classroom suites and adaptive books on the smart-board. Calendar time skills: Days and months Counting Place value Graphing Weather Math and reading skills
12:10-1:00 Literacy: Reading, book units, writing and language art
1:00-1:30 Social studies and science exploration: Students are exposed to Grade-level standards.
1:30-1:55 Sensory Students have sensory stations such as the sand table, Play-Doh, moon sand, sensory toy etc.
1:30-1:55 Recess (weather permitting) Students have access to the track and playground.
1:55-2:10 Toileting Students complete their communication journals for their parents Treasure Box .
2:15 Pack up and go home…
Fun Fridays We go to the library We cook
Student Of The Week Recognition Students will decorate a poster about themselves. The poster will be sent home in advance. Please use pictures you have taken. Other pictures, such as favorite food etc…, can be found on http://www.google.com/imghp Students can put 4-5 items into the class bag that will be sent home to show the class. Students will have a special seat for the week.
Information Weekly information can be found on the class blog: https://cobbk12.blackboard.com/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_17612_1%26url%3D