Date: Title: Risk assessment LO: To develop our knowledge of preventing injuries Starter – List what we do in PE lessons to prevent injuries during the lesson. Main – Describe what safety checks you should do before taking part in sport. Dessert – Evaluate the role of a referee/umpire in a sport of your choice
Key Words – Risk, Hazard, Danger, Safety LO: To develop our knowledge of preventing injuries Key Words – Risk, Hazard, Danger, Safety Learning Outcomes: MUST: Define what a risk assessment is (pass) SHOULD: Describe the difference between a hazard and ‘risk’ (merit) COULD: Apply knowledge by carrying out a successful risk assessment (distinction)
What do we mean by risk? Create a definition using the following keywords (and some of your own) …So then what do we mean by a hazard? ‘A hazard is something that can cause injury’ Potential, likelihood, injury, chance of, danger MUST: Define what a risk assessment is (pass)
Watch the video… http://www. As you watch you should write down all the things the official does to ensure the safety of others. How many are there in total Can you spot them all? http://www. SHOULD: Describe the difference between a hazard and ‘risk’ (merit)
Ask about first aider on site Checks the ground and surface for objects Removes a stick from the playing area Checks the padding on the rugby posts is secure Checks players boots Check length of players nails Checks for wristbands and jewellery Enforcing rules ‘staying low’ to ensure safety Stops game to bring first aider on and clears other players away from the area Warns players about their conduct ‘We’ve got a dog!’ – stops game to remove animal from pitch Attends to player who is injured on the floor
What happens in your PE lesson? Kit checks Use of safety equipment like crash mats A warm-up and cool-down Pitch inspection Instructions about technique and safety Which additional procedures are followed before: Rugby? Cricket? Tennis? Athletics? Football? Netball?
Complete the risk assessment.. We will be going over to the Sports hall to complete your own risk assessment I am looking to see if you can spot the hazards in our sports hall Then to assess the risk of that hazard causing injury Finally, decide what action needs to be taken COULD: Apply knowledge by carrying out a successful risk assessment (distinction)
Keywords: Safety, students, hazard, prevention, responsible TASK: Write a report on your risk assessment of the sports hall. What are your findings and suggestions. Your challenge is to use the keywords below in your report Literacy objective: Write in full sentences with correct grammar and capital letters COULD: Apply knowledge by carrying out a successful risk assessment (distinction) Keywords: Safety, students, hazard, prevention, responsible
Exam Questions 1. List three safety checks you should complete before carrying out a sports session (3 marks) 2. Describe using specific examples how playing surfaces can present risks to players if not checked properly ( 4 marks) 3. Explain using specific examples why it is essential for officials or coaches to carry out risk assessments before training or competitions (6 marks)
Answer the following questions Answer the following questions Learning Outcomes: MUST: Define what a risk assessment is (pass) SHOULD: Describe the difference between a hazard and ‘risk’ (merit) COULD: Apply knowledge by carrying out a successful risk assessment (distinction)