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Presentation transcript:

Multilingual Education English Language Proficiency Assessment For the 21st Century (ELPA21) SBA/TIDE Coordinator Training January 23, and 27, 2017 KSD Assessment Office Multilingual Education

Part 1 Training Objectives Brief introduction Test times, test sessions, test segments, test schedule Test Administration Manual Tools, Supports, and Accommodations for ELPA21 Test security, proctor do’s and don’ts Test incidents/irregularities, what are they? How to avoid them, and what to do if they happen. Check list for Test Coordinators Resources and where to do for help Review in small groups with Jeopardy Questions? 5 – 10 Minute Break TIDE- how to access, student settings and rosters “Dueling Monitors” Test Delivery System and Student Browser ELPA Training Test What to do about interruptions Repeat – how to handle test incidents/irregularities What are appeals and what to do if they are needed How to know who has started and who has completed testing Use webinar PPTs as a resource How did we do? Questions?

ELPA21 Segments The ELPA21 annual assessment consists of one test with 4 Subtests: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Subtests must be taken in order but students may proceed at their own pace. Each subtest may be completed in the same day or on multiple days. Not all subtest domains must be taken in the same day. For instance, Listening and Reading might be taken one day, Writing and Speaking the next. Students are prompted to review answers in each subtest before they submit answers and go to the next subtest. Once students leave one subtest they cannot go back to review their answers in a previous subtest. 

A Brief Description of the ELPA21 Segments Listening During the Listening segment, students hear the prompts through their headphones and then respond by clicking on a multiple-choice answer or by dragging and dropping a graphic or a piece of text. Reading During the Reading segment, students read different types of text passages. They will show comprehension by answering multiple-choice and drag-and-drop questions. Writing Students in grades K-1 show their writing skills by dragging letters to form words and by dragging words to complete or form sentences. At the higher grades, students also respond to Writing prompts by typing. Grade K and 1 students also complete a p/p Writing Supplement, which should be administered immediately after students complete the online Writing segment test, or as soon as possible afterwards. Speaking Students check their microphone by recording and then listening to their name. Students hear the speaking prompts through their headphones and then record their answers. To record an answer, the student clicks on the RECORD icon, speaks, and then clicks on the STOP icon. Students can then listen to their response by clicking on the LISTEN icon. If the student is not satisfied, he or she can rerecord a response by clicking on the RECORD icon again. Please ensure that students get sufficient practice with this tool in the Training Tests prior to testing Note: Before each segment there is a sound check for the headphones. Students should raise their hand if the sound needs adjusting or is not working.

Students can pause their test at any time Students can pause their test at any time. They will be presented with a warning message asking them to verify that they want to pause the test. If they choose to pause the test, they will be logged out of the test. When students resume the test, they will see the first page that has unanswered questions, they will be able to view and change answers to questions they already answered within the current test segment, including previous pages. They cannot go back to previous segments. If their test is idle for 20 minutes or more, the system will automatically pause the test and log them out. All answers are saved immediately; students do not lose them when the test is paused. Pause rules for elpa21

Scheduling the elpa21 The testing window is February 1 to March 30, 2017 Test segments combined should take approximately one hour to administer for lower grade bands, and up to two hours for the highest grade bands. These approximate times are for student work time only. Therefore, allow an additional 15–20 minutes to pass out test tickets, set up headphones, read directions, and perform other testing activities. This is not a timed test and provisions should be made for students who may need additional time. The test is divided into four segments (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking), each of which may be administered in a separate session. TAs should follow their approved testing schedule as set in their school’s Test Security and Building Plan

ELPA21 Test Administration Manual Spring 2017 Elpa21 test administration Manual, Training test Manual, and directions for administration   ELPA21 Test Administration Manual Spring 2017  (ELPA21 TAM) ELPA21 Directions for Administering the Training Test  (pages 5 - 17 from ELPA21 TAM) ELPA21 DFA Spring 2017  Directions for Administration (pages to 18 - 37 from ELPA21 TAM) ELPA21 Button cheat sheet for students 2017 

Tools, supports, accommodations   Tools, supports, accommodations What Are Universal Tools? Universal tools are access features of the assessment that are either provided as embedded components of the computer-based test system, or non-embedded devices that are available in the classroom. Universal tools are available to all students based on their preference and selection. Examples, highlighter, scratch paper. What Are Designated Supports? Designated supports features that are available for use by any student for whom the need has been indicated by an educator or educator with parent/guardian and student). Examples, zoom, noise buffer. What Are Accommodations? Accommodations are changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access during state assessments for students with IEP or 504 plans. Examples, print on demand, scribe.

Tools, supports, accommodations Resources Guidelines on Tools Supports and Accommodations 10/03/2016 ELPA21 Supports and Accommodations Summary 2016-17 Supports and Accommodations Template 

Providing help during testing Training Test Before the Summative Assessment, TAs should have all students take the Training Test to ensure students have an opportunity to become familiar with the online test interface and how to use the various tools embedded in the test. If necessary, TAs may assist students with online skills such as scrolling, selecting a response by clicking, dragging and dropping, starting and stopping recording of a spoken response, and moving between screens. Summative Assessment When students are taking the Summative Assessment , they may ask the TA to verify that they have used the technology (such as recording a spoken response) correctly. The TA is allowed to acknowledge that the student has used the system correctly or redirect the student on how to properly use the technology. At no time, however, is a TA allowed to provide support on student responses to questions, comment on the quality or proficiency of a student Response, assist students selecting a response, or encourage them to re-record to try for more points.

Requirements for a Secure Testing Environment Before Testing Instructional materials or any other information displayed in the classroom that might assist students in answering questions must be removed or covered. Students must be seated so they cannot look at each other’s work, or provide then with tabletop partitions. Place a “TESTING—DO NOT DISTURB” sign on the door or post signs in halls and entrances rerouting hallway traffic. During Testing Provide a quiet environment. No talking or other distractions that might interfere with testing. Actively supervise and monitor students. Purses and backpacks should be put away. Do not allow access to unauthorized electronic devices during testing such as cell phones, iPods, cameras, and electronic translation devices. Students may only access and use resources that are permitted for the test, or portion of the test. No form or type of answer key may be developed for test items. Only use the approved student interface and secure browser to administer ELPA21.

Requirements for a Secure Testing Environment (Cont.) During and After Testing Teachers and other school staff are not permitted to review student responses in the testing interface or students’ notes on scratch paper. Staff may not review, discuss, or analyze test items, reading passages, or writing prompts at any time, including before, during, or after testing. Keep any printed materials such as scratch paper, and test tickets with student information in a secure location. Test items, reading passages, or writing prompts may not be reproduced or used for instruction. Collect any secure test materials at the end of each test session and shred immediately

Additional Ways to Secure the Online Test Environment Close External User Applications Before launching the secure browser, or prior to administering the online tests, close all non-required applications on testing devices, such as word processors and web browsers. Student computers should not have Dual Monitors Students should not take online tests on computers connected to more than one monitor. Systems that use a dual monitor setup typically display an application on one screen while another application is accessible on the other screen. Disable Screen Savers and Timeout Features On all testing devices, be sure to disable any features that display a screen saver or log users out after a period of inactivity. If such features activate while a student is testing, the secure browser logs the student out of the test.

Print on Demand Materials and Scratch Paper Printed materials from the print-on-demand accommodation and scratch paper must be kept in a secure locked area that can be opened only with a key or keycard by staff responsible for test administration. Staff must have signed a Test Security Assurance form. All test materials must remain secure at all times. Printed test items/passages, including embossed braille printouts and scratch paper, must be collected and inventoried at the end of each test session and then immediately shredded according to district and state policies and procedures. DO NOT keep printed test items/passages or scratch paper for future test sessions.

Test Incident: Impropriety Low risk and low impact on students testing Examples, student leaves the room without asking, student briefly makes an inappropriate sound during testing.

Test incident - IRREGULARITY May potentially impact test security, validity, and/or student performance. Examples, there is a fire drill during the test, student sits down at an computer assigned to another student and starts testing. Proctor does not follow directions for test administration.

TEST INCIDENT: BREACH A test administration event that poses a threat to the validity and security of the test. Breaches require immediate attention and escalation by the Assessment Office to the OSPI State Test Coordinator. Examples may include such situations as exposure of secure materials or a repeatable security/system risk. These circumstances have external implications.

Elpa21 Resources Assessment Office Website OSPI_ELPA21-Webpage OSPI_ELPA21-Webpage ELPA21 Webpage WCAP Portal

When you have questions during a test administration: Test Proctors: Contact your School Assessment Coordinator School Assessment Coordinator: Contact the District Assessment Coordinator 7080 (Assessment Office) District Assessment Coordinator: Contacts OSPI. OSPI will refer calls from school staff to their District Assessment Coordinator.

Questions? Thank you!