Open Optical Monitoring RIPE 73 October 2016 Craig Thompson
Traditional Network Systems Applications OEM (Vertically Integrated) Monitoring Config & Automate QoS Security Other Forwarding SW (Traditional, Distributed, eg OSPF, BGP, STP etc) Forwarding SW (Centralized, eg OpenFlow) Switch Abstraction Interface (SAI) Installer (eg ONIE) Network OS Switch Silicon Here is a typical HW/SW stack for an Ethernet switch. Traditionally the integration of this was provided by the large OEMs. This has advantages and disadvantages. As optics suppliers at the base of the stack, we felt this the most. If we rolled out a new feature, or made a change, it take a year or two or more for this to reach the end-user. And even then, we wouldn’t get feedback unless something went wrong. It made it difficult to innovate, to get feedback from the users (such as yourselves) and improve the product.
Open Network Ecosystem: Choice, Flexibility and Innovation Applications OEM (Vertically Integrated) Open Switch, Bare Metal Monitoring Config & Automate QoS Security Other 100s of 3rd Party Apps Forwarding SW (Traditional, Distributed, eg OSPF, BGP, STP etc) Forwarding SW (Centralized, eg OpenFlow) BroadView™ NetFlow Many 3rd Party & Open-source Switch Abstraction Interface (SAI) Installer (eg ONIE) Network OS Switch Silicon In contrast, this is what an open switch HW/SW stack looks like. This approach also has advantages and disadvantages. No longer is there one throat to choke if something goes wrong, unless its your own throat. But the open switch movement is very powerful and we feel it very directly as an optics vendor. Now you have choice, the ability to tailor to your own needs, to innovate, test, experiment, change rapidly. And while, there are many providers into this ecosystem, many choices, the sophistication of the solutions and the support of the solutions is improving every day.
Open Network Ecosystem: Choice, Flexibility and Innovation Applications OEM (Vertically Integrated) Open Switch, Bare Metal Monitoring Config & Automate QoS Security Other 100s of 3rd Party Apps Forwarding SW (Traditional, Distributed, eg OSPF, BGP, STP etc) Forwarding SW (Centralized, eg OpenFlow) BroadView™ NetFlow Many 3rd Party & Open-source Switch Abstraction Interface (SAI) Installer (eg ONIE) Network OS Switch Silicon So I’m going to focus on the Open Switch ecosystem, and talk specifically about why optics is a great place to start in disaggregating your network infrastructure. The networking industry has been steadily marching towards open switch ports and direct deployment of optics for a number of years, and we’re now starting to see this happen broadly. But it takes a number of factors and things to fall in place for open switch optics to be viable. We’ll look at these one by one….
Open Optical Monitoring and Control (OOM) Applications API to Network Applications OOM was kicked off by the OCP Networking group in October 2015… To address problems with consistent access to Serial ID information on modules during OCP Interop testing. Monitoring Config & Automate QoS Security Other Forwarding SW (Traditional, Distributed, eg OSPF, BGP, STP etc) Forwarding SW (Centralized, eg OpenFlow) Switch Abstraction Interface (SAI) Installer (eg ONIE) Network OS Decode Switch Silicon Interface to Transceiver
What is Open Optical Monitoring (OOM)? A Python package, providing a standard API to read/write optical modules. EEPROM data encoded/decoded in key/value pairs. Same API: any NOS, any switch, any module vendor, any module type. Requires a simple shim to interface with the NOS. Open Source, easy to maintain, easy to extend. from oom import * for port in oom_get_portlist(): # enumerate the ports on the switch status = oom_get_memory(port, 'DOM') # DOM = voltage, temp, {TX, Rx}Power, bias print port.port_name + str(status) port0{'VCC': 3.30, 'TEMP': 23.55, 'TX_POWER': 0.57, 'RX_POWER': 0.56, 'TX_BIAS': 7.4} port1{'VCC': 3.31, 'TEMP': 24.02, 'TX_POWER': 0.57, 'RX_POWER': 0.53, 'TX_BIAS': 7.3}
Simplified OOM Architecture Switch Network OS (incl apps) Switch Mgmt Interface Realtime Optical Control Agent Open Mgmt Interface OOM Northbound API OOM Decode Library OOM Southbound API Vendor Shim Layer Network OS (Kernel) Drivers, etc i2c (HW) Open Vendor Specific
Over The Network OOM Northbound API OOM Decode Library Agent Realtime Optical Control Switch Mgmt Interface Open Mgmt Interface OOM Northbound API OOM Southbound API Server Side Shim Network Transport OOM Southbound API Switch Side encode ONLP Kernel ONLP Shim ONLP/sfpi.h Linux Kernel Ethtool/ioctl Shim Mock/Test Shim Dummy data, ordinary files sysfs Open Vendor Specific
Open Optical Monitoring (OOM) Applications Inventory – track and verify module part number, revision, vendor, features, options… Health monitoring – continuous monitoring of key properties (TX/RX power, laser bias, temperature, thresholds, alarms, warnings…) Via DOM (Digitial Optical Monitoring): a Finisar technology widely used by the industry Diagnostics – isolate connectivity issues to transmit module, receive module or fiber Operator diagnostics using connection database Vendor diagnostics while modules are online Custom uses – innovative new features Customer or vendor-defined, vendor-specific keys Example 1: BIST for network commissioning Example 2: FINISAR Connectivity Diagnostics
OCP SUMMIT 2016: Interoperability and Open APIs
How can you access & participate in OOM? Download, use and improve! 200+ keys decoded for QSFP+, QSFP28, SFP+ Many shims available supporting numerous Linux OSs, EdgeCore switches, evaluation boards and a simulator Share your use-cases with us Now an OCP AcceptedTM Project Used in Interoperability testing at UNH IOL Plugfests
OCP Interoperability Testing leading open switch solution compliance testing Testing dozens of NOS / Switch / Cable / Module combinations Proven solutions added to Open Networking Integrators List Testing occurs weekly at UNH-IOL Next Plugfest planned for December at UNH-IOL, focusing on 25GbE
Thank you! Craig Thompson +1(650) 455-8531 (m)