Michlala - Jerusalem Academic College and Bar-Ilan University Spirituality and Humanistic Values among Graduates of State Secular, State Religious and Ultra-Orthodox Schools in Israel Prof Yaacov Katz Michlala - Jerusalem Academic College and Bar-Ilan University Paper Presented at 20th ISREV Seminar on Values, Human Rights and Religious Education, July 2016, Mundelein Ill, USA
Definitions of Spirituality Spirituality may generally defined as: a sense of closeness and connection to the sacred a relational process in which God and man are reciprocally related a feeling of the transcendent a sense of closeness and connection to humankind a feeling of oneness with the world and with nature a striving for psychological well-being and positive social integration
Research Findings Regarding Spirituality Spirituality leads to: a feeling of psychological well-being enhanced mental health improved coherence and congruence in behavior stability of personality personal integrity willingness to assist others consideration and thoughtfulness about others positive feelings toward others understanding of needs of others
Jewish Education in Israel Jewish education is divided into three major sectors: state secular state religious ultra-orthodox Core curriculum taught in all sectors: Hebrew English Math Science History Religious and Heritage Education
Religious and Heritage Education in State Secular Sector knowledge-based view of religion history of religion religion as culture religion as tradition religion as folklore religion as spiritual and humanistic
Religious and Heritage Education in State Religious Sector faith and knowledge-based view of religion religion as a way of life observance of commandments and precepts history of religion religion as culture religion as tradition religion as spiritual and humanistic
Religious and Heritage Education in Ultra-orthodox Sector faith-based view of religion religion as a way of life observance of commandments and precepts religion as spiritual and humanistic
Research Methodology Participants: 138 1st year students studying education of whom: 54 graduates of the state secular sector 44 graduates of the state religious sector 40 graduates of ultra-orthodox sector Research Instruments: Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale (Underwood & Teresi, 2002) Portrait Values Questionnaire (Schwartz et al., 2001) Questionnaires administered during 2015/2016 academic year
Mean Scores and Standard Deviations for Spirituality S.D. Mean N Sector 1.19 3.25 54 State Secular 0.78 5.25 44 State Religious 1.15 4.13 40 Ultra-orthodox
Mean Scores and Standard Deviations for Humanistic Values S.D. Mean N Sector 1.07 4.09 54 State Secular 1.06 4.99 44 State Religious 0.98 3.61 40 Ultra-orthodox
Results ANOVA results indicate significant main effects for spirituality [F(2,136) = 30.71; P<.001] Scheffe test results indicate that state religious graduates were significantly higher on “spirituality“ than ultra-orthodox graduates who, in turn, were significantly higher than state secular graduates. ANOVA results indicate significant main effects for humanistic values [F(2,136) = 14.41; P<.001] Scheffe test results indicate that state religious graduates were significantly higher on "humanistic values" than state secular graduates who, in turn, were significantly higher than ultra-orthodox graduates
Discussion - 1 state religious graduates exhibit significantly higher levels of spirituality than ultra-orthodox and state secular graduates this results from the emphasis of state religious schools on both knowledge-based as well as faith-based religious and heritage education ultra-orthodox graduates held a higher level of spirituality than state secular graduates it appears that faith-based religious and heritage education enhances spirituality more than knowledge-based religious and heritage education
Discussion - 2 state religious graduates exhibited a higher level of humanistic values than state secular and ultra-orthodox graduates this results from the emphasis of state religious schools on both knowledge-based as well as faith-based religious and heritage education state secular graduates held a higher level of spirituality than ultra-orthodox graduates it appears that knowledge-based religious and heritage education enhances humanistic values more than faith based religious and heritage education
Thank you for your attention Conclusion In view of the results of this study (and other studies that yielded similar results) a combination of faith and knowledge-based religious and heritage education needs to be the aim of religious and heritage education teachers and educators This may ensure the enhancement of both spirituality and humanistic values that are taught as part of religious and heritage education Thank you for your attention