Welcome to ChildFirst®!
Getting to know you! Name Where you work How long What you hope to get out of this week Now that we know each other, let’s talk about culture
What to expect this week Confidentiality agreement Attendance Cell phones Breaks Lunch
About the course Manual and materials on line Evaluations http://www.gundersenhealth.org/ncptc/trainings/childfirst-conferences/evaluations Actor Interview Exercise Test
How to survive and thrive! Take care of yourself Focus on learning concepts Study in groups Ask questions
Best Practice: Consider Culture “A set of assumptions and beliefs so completely accepted by the group that they do not need to be stated, questioned, or defended.” (Abney, 2002) Culture defines what is natural and expected in a given group.” (Aronson Fontes, 2005).
Best Practice: Consider Culture Ethnicity Membership in a group based on a common ancestry, heritage, culture, or history Culture The shared values, behaviors, beliefs, norms, traditions, customs and ideas of subgroups of individuals. (Elliott & Urquiza, 2006)
Cultural Iceberg Age Gender Ethnicity Nationality Language Family and social groupings Socioeconomic status Occupation Education State of physical and mental health Past experiences Sexuality Politics Beliefs / spirituality / religion Addictions Influence of other cultures Exposure to literature / Influence of media Cultural Iceberg