Key Stage 2 Information Meeting Mrs Steer Mr Hamilton Miss Spence
Morning Routines Children are now used to lining up in the mornings on the playground and being met by the teachers. When it is raining children should not come in to the classroom before 8:45am. If your child is late, you must report to the school office and they will be escorted to the classroom.
Communication The children will read with an adult 3 times a week in school, whether it be one to one or in a guided reading session and it will be recorded in their reading journal. We ask that your child reads with an adult at home every day and it is recorded in the reading journal. There is support given in the reading journals through comprehension questions as well as activities to support your child’s reading.
PE PE kit- t-shirt, shorts, plimsolls (not trainers), jogging bottoms, sweatshirt, socks PE Days Mr Hamilton– Wednesday and Thursday Mrs Steer – Wednesday and Friday Miss Spence –Wednesday and Thursday On these days please can you ensure that any earrings are removed and long hair is tied back. Please note that it is school policy for the children to remove their earrings for PE, and they may not put tape over them.
Spellings Spellings will be given every Friday and tested the following Friday, they are found in the back of the reading journal. We will be following Year B spelling list for ¾. Teachers will notify parents face to face if needed or a message will be recorded in the child’s reading journal. Teacher will be on the playground before and after school, so please do make the class teacher aware if there is an urgent message. School Council There will be School Council Elections next week. This is a really good opportunity for all children’s voices to be heard as suggestions are taken from all children.
Curriculum Year A Autumn Term ‘Blitz and pieces’ Music Computing Geography comparisons between the UK and other countries – Map work Computing E-Safety English Non- fiction texts and fiction texts Art / Design War Time Art Science Light and Electricity P.E Tag Rugby and Dance DT Building Anderson shelters, gas mask boxes and rationing recipes History World War 2 Music Repeating a beat
Homework Homework will include Spellings, Reading and times table work. It will also be one topic based activity to be completed by the end term.
Thank you for your support. Any questions?