1) How often do you have a bath in a week?
2) When you have a bath do you fill the bath with water?
3) If the previous answer is NO, do you have a shower
4) When you use water while you brushing your teeth, washing your face, shaving etc. do you leave the water running?
5) When there is a tap or pipe leaking do you have it fixed immediately?
6) Do you use an economical toilet flush (e. g 6) Do you use an economical toilet flush (e.g. appropriate float or putting a brick inside it etc)?
7) Do you have a washing machine at home?
8) If so, how often do you use it for the family?
9) If you have a washing machine, do you use the economic program?
10) Do you have a dish washer at home?
11) What do you use for washing up at home?
12) How do you wash the fruits and vegetables at home?
13) How do you usually wash the family car/cars?
14) For drinking water at home, do you use
15) If you use bottled water, do you do it because (tick more one, if you want)
16) How much does a cubic meter of water cost?