Welcome: Title of Project Student Name Student ID Number Date of Presentation Midpoint Review
Introduction Brief Autobiography Educational Background Current Employment
Class Samples Course name & number Semester taken 2 images from each class on their own slide.
Thesis Project Proposal Slides Bullet points describing the important aspects of the project. More details
Conclusion Slide Your name Your Project Title Thank you!
Guidelines for Creating Power Point Slideshows You may use this template as the basis for your presentation or start from scratch. If you use this template, be sure to edit all of the slides. Be sure to include the department name, the presentation title, your name and the date of the presentation on the title slide. PowerPoints file size must be no larger than 50MB. For resizing your graphics, see “Midpoint & Final Review: Resizing You Graphics” found under Resources here: http://media.academyart.edu/gradshowcase/index.html
Guidelines 2 Text Font Arial is the best font to use. Other fonts may be converted to Arial in the web conference. Sizes The text minimum size is 18 regular. The title minimum is size 24 regular. Color Use white or light grey text for a black background. Use black or dark grey text for a white background Background Use a neutral color for the background. Black is preferred. Do not use a textured background.
Guidelines 3 Bullets Use bullets in the same color of your text. Limit bullet points to 3-7 per slide. Formatting Do not use drop shadows on text or insert WordArt. Do not use animations or slide transitions. Do not insert audio Images All images should be in .jpg format When adjusting images in the slides, be sure to keep images in proper proportion. (drag + shift) References, copyright information, and technical notes may be included at the end