Hands On SoC FPGA Design Class 2: Downloading, Installing and Running Design Software July 21st, 2015 Warren Miller
Course Overview SoC FPGAs combine a processor with programmable fabric These powerful products are popular solutions for performance oriented applications. This class will get you ‘hands on’ with the Xilinx Zynq™ 7010 SoC FPGA. Use the free tools and/or the optional Digilent ZYBO Zynq Board available from Digi-Key Just about every FPGA manufacturer now offers devices that feature a combination of programmable fabric and fixed function processors on a single device. These are commonly called SoC FPGAs. These powerful products can be used in a wide variety of applications and are growing in popularity in performance oriented applications. This class will help you get more familiar with the capabilities of SoC FPGAs by getting ‘hands on’ with an example SoC FPGA- the Xilinx Zynq™ 7010 SoC FPGA. Students can use the free tools and follow along with the class example designs to learn how to develop applications using SoC FPGAs. Optionally, a development board- the Digilent ZYBO Zynq Board available from Digi-Key, can be used to run the class examples on actual hardware.
This Week’s Agenda 7/20/15 An Introduction to SoC FPGAs 7/21/15 Downloading, Installing and Running Design Software 7/22/15 A Simple Example Design 7/23/15 Targeting the Development Board 7/24/15 Processor and FPGA- the full flow
Today’s Goals and Objectives Get you going with free design software for SoC FPGAs. Download Install Understand simple design flow Resources This class will go step by step through the process of obtaining and using a typical SoC FPGA design tool chain. The Xilinx Vivado 30-day evaluation will be used and students are encouraged (optional) to download and install the software to follow along with the rest of the classes.
Tools Overview All devices have the following tools: Software Hardware Architecture Specification Define the target MCU architecture Processor Code Write code in “C” or Assembly FPGA Design Write code in HDL, IP Cores, etc. Hardware Evaluation and Development boards Documentation, Training, etc.
Microsemi System Builder For the MCU portion of the design Specify, select and connect required peripherals Automatically include SmartFusion2 peripheral drivers Use familiar IDEs for embedded code development Create a known-good MCU Subsystem – speed code development For the FPGA part of the design Automate key tasks- correct by construction starting point Instantiate required IP cores from the SmartFusion2 catalog Hook-up clocks and resets; Initialize peripherals Populate the software projects with the required firmware Use established and familiar FPGA tools (Design, Synthesis, Simulation, Debug, etc) Key Goals: System Builder is the first stage of an integrated tool flow Quick learning curve for existing FPGA and MCU designers Allow embedded designers to evaluate the processor aspect of the device standalone Allow FPGA designers to evaluate the FPGA aspect of the device standalone Allow the two designers to work in parallel on the same device without schedule risk Produce a “Correct by Construction” base system that dramatically speeds software development Can be used as is or as a starting point for further customization
Guided Development Asks the user basic questions on system architecture Covers all elements of the architecture (nothing missed) Builds on previous answers- defines only needed elements (error proof) Generates Correct by Construction output when finished Next use Standard Libero® flow or preferred IDE Key Device Elements: Memory MSS DDR Fabric DDR Serial Interfaces Flash Memory Clients Memory Element Options: DDR Memory DDR2/3 LPDDR Initialization time Controller options Fabric DDR As above Embedded Flash Partitions The main categories used to group architecture definition tasks within System Builder are listed below: Key Device Options: Select which memory features will be included in the design- MSS DDR, Fabric DDR, High-Speed Serial Interfaces and Flash Memory Storage Clients. Memory Options: Define the characteristics of the previously selected memory elements- For MSS External Memory select the type of standard (DDR2, DDR3, LPDDR), the initialization time, and various memory controller configuration options. For Fabric DDR memory make similar selections to the MSS External Memory. For Embedded Flash selections are presented to define the various partitions desired. Peripheral Options: Define the characteristics of the available peripherals based on previous selections. The detailed definitions are grouped into categories (MSS Master, MSS Peripherals, Fabric Slave and Fabric Master) within which specific peripheral characteristics are selected. Clock Options: Define the characteristics of the available clock sources based on previous selections. Detailed definitions are selected to configure resources like the FPGA fabric input clock, dedicated clock input, on-chip 1 MHz RC oscillator and external main crystal oscillator. MCU Options: Define the characteristics for microcontroller options such as the Cortex-M3 processor, cache controller, AHB bus matrix, watchdog timer, real time counter and peripheral DMA controller. SECDED Options: Define the characteristics for error correction and detection options for the eSRAM, Cache, Ethernet buffers, USB, CAN and DDR buffers. 7
Libero® SoC Development Flow Comprehensive Tool Suite for FPGA Design SmartDesign design entry Synplify Pro® synthesis ModelSim® simulation Power-driven place-and-route SmartPower power analysis SmartTime timing analysis Flashpro 4 program/debug
Design Flow- FPGA Define Project Use SmartDesign Canvas Simulate
Libero® SoC Development Flow Comprehensive Tool Suite for MCU Design SoftConsole Eclipse-based IDE GNU C/C++ compiler, GDB Debugger Free download from Microsemi SoC website Keil MDK – Microcontroller Development Kit Combines the ARM C/C++ Compiler With popular µVision4 debug IAR Embedded Workbench First standard compiler for industrial and 8 bit processors
Libero® MCU Define Project with Template MSS Block Diagram
Libero® MCU Complete Design Entry Run in SoftConsole
Xilinx Vivado Design Suite Vivado Design Suite Evaluation Free for 30 days Get the free 30 day license Vivado WebPACK Edition Free Basic Features Supports Zynq-7000 No Logic Analyzer, No Serial I/O Analyzer, No debug IP, No High-Level Synthesis, No System Generator for DSP Suggest you download Evaluation Version
Download http://www.xilinx.com/support/download.html Windows 64 or Linux 64 Web Installer- Configure Install http://www.xilinx.com/training/vivado/vivado-design-suite-installation-overview.htm Then Click Install! Use Vivado help menu to add devices and features Check for updates http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx14_7/irn.pdf
License To access the Product Licensing Site directly, go to http://www.xilinx.com/getlicense . You must first register or enter your registration information. Selecting Products To begin the license generation process for products you have purchased or want to evaluate: Select a product licensing account from the Account drop-down list. Note: This selection is not available if you are entitled to evaluation or free products only. Enter product voucher codes for design tools or IP product licenses purchased with kits or for tools purchased from the Xilinx online store (optional). Add evaluation or no-charge IP product entitlements to the product entitlement table (optional). Make your product selections from the product entitlement table. The type of product entitlements available are Full (purchased), No Charge, or Evaluation. Full and No Charge licenses have a subscription period of one year. Design tools evaluation is for 30 days. IP evaluations are for 120 days. Floating and node-locked licenses cannot be combined in the same license key file.
Download SDK Download SDK Here Many Videos Video Overview
Zynq Software Tools
Zynq Software Details Xilinx XPS GUI-driven configuration of Zynq designs Exports configuration for auto-generation of First Stage Boot-loader, Bare metal BSP and Linux BSP Software Development Kit (SDK) Based on Eclipse and CDT System debugger multi-processor support Custom libraries and Device drivers Custom aware design Integrated debug with HW/SW Cross-triggering and Debug Software Profiling and Optimization
Resources for the Course CEC Courses: An Introduction to Application Specific Programmable Logic Devices Using FPGAs with Embedded Processors in Your Designs Getting Started with Programmable Logic Programmable Logic: How do they do that? SoC FPGA Manufacturers Web Sites: http://www.xilinx.com/products/silicon-devices/soc.html https://www.altera.com/products/soc/overview.html http://www.microsemi.com/products/fpga-soc/soc-fpgas
This Week’s Agenda 7/20/15 An Introduction to SoC FPGAs 7/21/15 Downloading, Installing and Running Design Software 7/22/15 A Simple Example Design 7/23/15 Targeting the Development Board 7/24/15 Processor and FPGA- the full flow