Exercise 3: Configuring User Home Folders In this exercise you will use a batch file to create 200 folders to be used for home folders on your W: drive. You will then run another script to create a file share resource for 50 of the 200 home folders. You will test the failover time of the 50 file share resources and run another script to remove the 50 file share resources. You will then configure a file share resource for dynamic shares to provide 200 user home folders and test the failover time of the dynamic share feature of Cluster service.
To create 200 user folders on the shared disk Complete this task from Node B. 1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Cluster Administrator. 2. Expand Groups, and then select Cluster Group. 3. In the details pane, verify that the owner is Node B. If the Owner is not Node B, right-click Cluster Group, and then click Move Group. 4. Click Start, and then click Run.
5. In the Run dialog box, type c:\moc\2087a\labfiles\mscs\usrfldr 5. In the Run dialog box, type c:\moc\2087a\labfiles\mscs\usrfldr.bat and then click OK. 6. To verify that the batch file ran successfully, in the Run dialog box, type w:\users and then click OK 7. Verify that there are 200 folders that were created in the users folder. You should see user1 through user200. 8. Close Windows Explorer. 9. Leave Cluster Administrator running.
To create 50 file share resources in the cluster Complete this task from Node A. 1. In the Run dialog box, type c:\moc\2087a\labfiles\mscs\makeshare.vbs and then click OK 2. Wait until a message box appears saying that the file creation is complete, and then click OK.
To move 50 file share resources from one node to the other Complete this task from Node B. 1. Write down the time from the system tray at the bottom right corner of your desktop._______________ 2. In Cluster Administrator, right-click Cluster Group, and click Move Group. This step could take more than three minutes to complete. 3. Write down the time from the system tray at the bottom right corner of your desktop._______________ 4. How long did it take to move the 50 file share resources?_________
To remove the 50 file share resources from the cluster Complete this task from Node A. 1. In the Run dialog box, type c:\moc\2087a\labfiles\mscs\removeshare.vbs and then click OK. 2. When the message dialog box appears that says that all of the users file shares have been successfully removed, click OK.
To create a dynamic share for 200 user home folders Complete this task from Node A. 1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Cluster Administrator. 2. In the console tree, expand Cluster Name, and then expand Groups. 3. Right-click Cluster Group, point to New, and then click Resource. 4. Use the following information to complete the New Resource dialog box: Name: Users Share Description: Users Share Resource Type: File Share Group: Cluster Group
6. In the Possible Owners dialog box, click Next. 7. In the Dependencies dialog box, under Available resources:, select Disk W:, then click Add. 8. Click Next. 9. Use the following information to complete the File Share Parameters dialog box: Share Name: Users Path: W:\Users Comment: Users Share on W:
10. Click Advanced. 11. In the Advanced File Share Properties dialog box, click Share subdirectories, and then click OK. 12. Click Finish. 13. In the Cluster Administrator dialog box, click OK. 14. In the Cluster Administrator dialog box, right-click Cluster Group, and then click Bring Online.
To verify that the dynamic shares were created Complete this task from Node B. 1. Click Start, and then click Run. 2. In the Run dialog box, type \\Virtual_Server and then click OK. Notice that Cluster service created a file share for every user in the w:\users folder. 3. Close Windows Explorer.
To move 200 file share resources from one node to the other node Complete this task from Node B. 1. Write down the time from the system tray at the bottom right corner of your desktop._______________ 2. From Cluster Administrator, right-click Cluster Group, and then click Move Group. 3. Write down the time from the system tray at the bottom right corner of your desktop._______________ 4. How long did it take to move the 200 dynamic shares from one file share resource?______________