Miss Dorrington, Miss Howe - 3D Miss Wishart – 3W Mrs Gummer– 3G Welcome to Year 3 Miss Dorrington, Miss Howe - 3D Miss Wishart – 3W Mrs Gummer– 3G
Topics Traditional tales Romans Dinosaurs Egyptians Local Area and Farming
English Writing across the curriculum Reading Spelling Handwriting Targets Variety of genres including: Traditional Tales with a Twist Diary Recount Explanation Descriptive writing Instructions
Maths Using and applying mathematics Counting and understanding number Knowing and using number facts Calculating Understanding shape Measuring Handling data Timestables and fluency
Science Friction and Light and Shadows Magnets Rocks and Soils Plants Nutrition, Skeletons and Muscles
Computing Timetabled slot each week Cross curricular Research and Presentation of topic work Timetabled slot each week Follow a scheme of work which progresses through the school Range of skills Laptops and Learn Pads DB Primary Online safety Computing
PE and Games Real PE agility coordination balance
PE kit
“The best classroom and the richest cupboard is roofed only by the sky” Margaret McMillan
Trips Residential Trip Sayers Croft 30th April – 2nd May Other Trips and Events – to be confirmed Fishbourne Museum - Egyptians Fossil man Wisley Science Guildford
Homework! Reading – every night Maths – MyMaths Homework - Thursday – to Monday - Homework Book - 20 mins
How you can help your child Reading - asking questions and discussing the book Timestables Telling the time Tie shoelaces Being as independent as possible