THE PORTUGUESE PUBLIC LIBRARIES NETWORK PROGRAM NAPLE ASSEMBLY THE HAGUE 9/05/2016 Margarida Oleiro The Portuguese Agency for the Book, Archives and Libraries
GENERAL FIGURES ABOUT PORTUGAL 10, 5 million inhabitants 308 municipalities 2 levels of administration (mainland) Central Local 3 levels of administration on autonomous regions (Azores and Madeira) 87 million € (central government grants for public libraries between 1988 and 2015)
PUBLIC LIBRARIES PROGRAM SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Weaknesses Number of libraries Free services Qualitiy of the premises Number of librarians Diversity of services Political aim of the Program centerd on buildings construction Libraries are no longer in the political agenda Public disinvestment No legislation/regulation and fiscalization Deficit of managerial skills (librarian staff)
PUBLIC LIBRARIES SWOT ANALYSIS (cont.) Opportunities Threats Libraries as makerspaces - A public space for diferent users, needs, purposes and interests Community public service Free services A decreasing and older population in inland country Closing of local public services (courts of justice, health services, schools, posts, etc.) Cost-cutting policy (national and local level)
National strategy for public libraries Although central government’s responsabilities regarding the development of public libaries are established in governmental program there isn´t a national strategy (at the moment) We do not have a public library law/legislation Former government merged national authority on books and public libraries with the national archives We do not know if this model is to be continued with the new government Meanwhile we (Libraries Department) have continued our work on behalf of public libraries
Libraries Department strategic plan waiting for political approval Aims: To promote a public library service of quality To promote libraries’ networks maximizing the investment already made and the resources available How? A new investment program for public libraries’ services (1 million €/year) eBook lending model/service for public libraries To comission a study to Lisbon University about the causes and reasons for the non-use of public libraries in Portugal To grant the annual award – “Best Practices in public libraries” √ Participation in intermunicipal libraries network constitution √ Participation in three years Gates Foundation INELI’s Program: “International Network of Emerging Library Innovators” for iberian and latin american countries √ Participation on open access science nacional strategy working group as public libraries’ representative √
A new investment Program Calls for funding for : Mobile libraries (for libaries which do not have a public library service or intermunicipal networks) Collections renewal ICT updating Staff qualification Reading promotion Priority to intermunicipal libraries’ networks
Participation and representation in national and international organizations and fóruns
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