The verb ‘IR’ – To go
To say where someone is going we use the verb ir – to go. Do not confuse it with the ending –ir. Ir is an actual verb and its forms switch as we conjugate it since it is an irregular verb.
Ir – present tense Yo - voy Nosotros - vamos Tú - vas Él Ella - va Ud. Vosotros - vais Él Ella - va Ud. Ellos Ellas - van Uds.
The verb ir is almost always followed by ‘a’. To ask where someone is going, we use ¿Adónde? ¿Adónde vas? - Where are you going (to)? You will often hear people say ¡vamos! – this means, “let’s go!”
Contractions… When we want to say that we are “going somewhere” and that place (or destination) is masculine, we use the contraction ‘al’ instead of ‘a el’ Ex: Vamos a el centro comercial Vamos al centro comercial A contraction does not occur when the destination is feminine. Ex: Vamos a la piscina
Ir + a+ infinitive We use ir + a + infinitive when we want to state that someone is going to do something. Ex: voy a bailar vamos a cantar ella va a dormir