The First Texans 9/7/16
Before the bell What you need What to do Pencil Comp book Textbook Sit with a partner Copy the objective Turn in your timeline Look at the map on page 70 of the textbook and find where the Caddo lived. Think about what you know about this area. How might the Caddo have lived? (Their food, Houses, and clothing)
Quick Grad Reminder All grades must be completed by the last bell on Friday Summer projects: If I could not open them you need to get me a copy before Friday. If you did not do them then you can only make a 70 but Friday at the end of the school day it is a 0. Unit Test: If you failed the unit test, which we looked at yesterday, You have after school today or before school tomorrow to take a second test and bring your grade up. Max grade is 70.
Notes Go back to your notes “The First Texans” *These notes and images are from Texas History copyright 2009-Revised Edition 2013
Texas’s first people didn’t own guns or horses Texas’s first people didn’t own guns or horses. To kill the huge animals, the hunters chased them over the sides of cliffs or into deep sand. Once the animals were trapped, the hunters attacked them with sharp pointed spears.
The Paleo-Indians were so busy searching for food, they didn’t have time to build villages with permanent houses. They lived in campsites or slept in caves. Hunters and gatherers had to be ready to move quickly to keep up with the animals they were hunting.
Carbon Dating Texas’s first people left no written records of their lives. Archaeologist have learned about them by digging up pieces of animal bones, sharp spears, pottery, and even garbage. From these items, scientist are able to tell what Texas's first people ate and how many lived together in one area. Through a scientific method known as Carbon dating, scientist are also able to figure out he age of an item. The Paleo-Indians often drew pictures of animals they hunted on the walls of caves.
As the climate of Texas became drier and hotter, the large animals moved to cooler climates. Texas’s first people learned how to survive in different ways. They made better weapons for hunting smaller animals and gathered more berries and seeds. They also learned how to use the land by planting seeds and growing food. Farming made it easier for the Texas’s early people to settle in one place.
. Complete the Chart using pages 72 - 85