Bones Skeletal System The skeletal system (bones and joints), working interdependently with the skeletal muscle system), provides basic functions that are essential to life
Bones Human Body 206 bones in the human body Bones: 14%-15% of body weight.
OSTEOPOROSIS Osteo – bone Porosis – less dense 1 % a month loss of bone density in a weightless bone
Ligaments Ligaments : connect bone to bone at joints, wrapping around the joints to hold the bones together.
Tendons Tendons : connect skeletal muscle to bone.
Tendons Tendons attach skeletal muscle to bone.
LIGAMENTS & Tendons Ligaments: connect bone to bone Tendons: connect muscle to bone.
The BONES OF THE BODY NUMBER OF BONES IN THE BODY 1. SKULL 22 bones 5. STERNUM 1 bone 2. EAR 6 bones 6. ARMS/HANDS 64 bones 3. SPINE 27 bones 7. LEGS/FOOT 62 bones 4. RIBS 24 bones TOTAL BONES - 206
The Rib Cage ALL RIBS ATTACH AT THE POSTERIOR (spine) TRUE RIBS (7) Attach directly to the sternum (anterior) FALSE RIBS (3) Attach to the last true rib(anterior) FLOATING RIBS (2) Do not attach in the front (anterior), they float.
The Rib Cage
The STERNUM 3 SECTIONS 1. MANUBRIUM The top part of the sternum. 2. BODY The middle part of the sternum 3. XIPHOID PROCESS The bone pointing out at the bottom of sternum.
1. SKULL Your skull (cranium) is the large bony case that surrounds your delicate brain, protecting it from bumps and knocks. It is made up of eight large flat bones, joined together by fixed joints known as sutures.
2. The Spine The 5 sections of the spine: a. The cervical 7 bones (neck). Top bone is the Atlas. 2nd highest bone is the Axis. b. The thoracic 12 bones which the ribs attach to. c. The lumbar 5 bones make the lower back. d. The sacrum 1 bone which are fused or stuck together e. The coccyx 2 tiny bones.
2. The Spine
3. Pelvic BONE Consists of 3 bones. The "hip" is a ball-and-socket joint. It allows the upper leg to bend and rotate at the pelvis.
4. Leg a. The thigh bone, femur, is the large upper leg bone. b. Knee Cap – Patella c. Below knee - the tibia (shin) and the smaller fibula.
4. Ankle Three bones make up the ankle joint Tibia ("shin bone") Fibula (outside of your leg connecting to your ankle) Talus (a foot bone)
4. HAND/ WRIST Your hand / wrist contains 27 bones. There are 8 bones-the carpals-in your wrist. The palm of your hand contains 5 bones called the metacarpals. The 14 bones in your fingers are called the phalanges.
5. upper limb - Hand Your hand contains 27 bones. There are 8 bones-the carpals-in your wrist. The palm of your hand contains 5 bones called the metacarpals. The 14 bones in your fingers are called the phalanges.
5. Hand CARPALS 8 – Wrist METACARPALS 5 – Palm PHALANGES -14 Fingers
5. Upper limb - Arm RADIUS – Forearm – thumb side ULNA – Forearm – pinky finger side HUMERUS – From Shoulder to elbow
6. Shoulder The three bones which form the shoulder are the clavicle, the scapula and the humerus (arm). a. Collar Bone – Clavicle b. Shoulder Blade - Scapula
Muscles The human body contains more than 650 individual muscles which are attached to the skeleton, which provides the pulling power for us to move around. Voluntary – Involuntary -
Voluntary Muscles
Muscles - Skeletal
Muscles – Legs - CALF 1. Plantar Flexion (Go up on toes) Calf muscles- Gastrochnemius
Muscles – Legs - SHIN 2. Used for Dorsi Flexion (Lift toes) Tibialis Anterior
Muscles – Legs - QUAD 3. Quadricept Muscles – (Anterior) Used For Knee Extension
Muscles – Legs - Upper 4. Hamstring Muscles – (Posterior) Use For Knee Flexion
Muscles – Legs - Upper Hamstring & Quad Muscles
Muscles – Legs - Upper 5. Hip Flexor – lifting the knee.
Muscles – Gluteals (Butt) Used for Hip Extension / jumping.
Muscles – Gluteals (Butt)
Muscles – Abdominals 7. Abdominals - (Anterior) Used for – Trunk Flexion
Muscles – Pectorals (Chest) 8. Chest – Pectorals. Used for push ups/bench press
Muscles – Back 9. Latissimus Dorsi- Used for pull downs
Muscles – UPPER Back 10. Trapezius- Used for shoulder shrugs and shoulder press.
Muscles - Shoulder 11. Deltoid - (Surrounds the shoulder joint) Used for Arm Rotation
Muscles - Shoulder Deltoid - (Surrounds the shoulder joint)
Muscles - Arms 12. Bicep (Anterior) Elbow Flexion 13. Tricep (Posterior) Elbow Extension
Muscles – Bicep / Tricep
Muscles - WRISTS 14. Front - Flexors - (Anterior) Back - Extensors - (Posterior)
Muscles - Arms Flexors - (Anterior) Extensors - (Posterior)
SKINFOLD CALIPER SKINFOLD METHOD TO MEASURE PERCENTAGE BODY FAT. 1. Never measure yourself – measure your partner. 2. Pull the skin and fat away from the muscle with your left hand. 3. Pinch the skin and fat and hold while measuring with the caliper using your right hand. 4. Record the results on the sheet. SKINFOLD SITES - We will measure 4 locations of the body. BICEPS -Vertical fold on the front of the arm over the biceps TRICEPS -Vertical fold on the back of the upper arm. ½ way from shoulder to elbow. SUBSCAPULAR - Inside border of the scapula (near middle of your back). SUPRAILIUM -Diagonal fold on the side of the hip. BICEPS TRICEPS SUBSCAPULAR SUPRAILIUM
SKINFOLD CALIPER BODY FAT PERCENTAGE ESTIMATES AGE 16-29 SKINFOLDS MEN WOMEN (mm) 15 4.8 10.5 20 8.1 14.1 25 10.5 16.8 BICEPS _______ 30 12.9 19.5 35 14.7 21.5 TRICEPS _______ 40 16.4 23.4 45 17.7 25.0 SUBSCAPULAR ______ 50 19.0 26.5 55 20.1 27.8 SUPRAILIUM ______ 60 21.2 29.1 65 22.2 30.2 70 23.1 31.2 TOTAL SKINFOLDS ______________mm. 75 24.0 32.2 80 24.8 33.1 85 25.5 34.0 90 26.2 34.8 95 26.9 35.6 100 27.6 36.4 TABLE - AGE 19 105 28.2 37.1 BODY COMPOSITION - % BODY FAT 110 28.8 37.8 Excellent Good Moderate Overweight Obese 115 29.4 38.4 MEN 12 12.1-17 17.1-22 22.1-27 27+ 120 30.0 39.0 WOMEN 17 17.1-22 22.1-27 27.1-32 32+ 16 mm 19 mm 17 mm 23 mm 75 mm
75 mm 24% or 0.24 in decimal form. 116 lbs / (1.0 – 0.24) 152. 6 lbs ACCORDING TO THE CHART PROVIDED –THE PRECENTAGE OF BODY FAT = ____________% DETERMINING YOUR RECOMMENDED WEIGHT. 1. Determine your pounds of body weight in fat (FW). Multiply your body weight (BW) by your current percentage of fat (%F) in a decimal form. FW = BW x %F 2. Determine your lean body weight (LBW) by subtracting the weight in fat (FW) from your body weight (BW). LBW = BW – FW 3. Select your desired body fat percentage (DFP) based on standards in table #5. 4. Compute recommended body weight (RBW) using the following formula. RBW = LBW / (1.0 – DFP) SAMPLE A 21 year old female Jane Smith weights 170 lbs and is 32.2% body fat with 75 mm of skinfold totals. What would her recommended body weight (RBW) be at 24%. NAME: Jane Smith GENDER Female Body Weight (BW) 170 lbs %F 32% (0.32 in decimal form) Step #1 FW = BW x %F FW = Step #2 LBW = BW – FW LBW = Step #3 DFP: Step #4 RBW = LBW / (1.0 – DFP) RBW = RBW = 170 x 0.32 = 54 lbs 170 – 54 = 116 lbs 24% or 0.24 in decimal form. 116 lbs / (1.0 – 0.24) 152. 6 lbs RBW AT 24% FAT WOULD BE 152.6 lbs.