1. Bald Eagle the American bird Group Members Date Prepared for Mrs. Miller, 6th grade Science teacher
2.Classification Levels Kingdom: Animal Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Accipitriformes Family: Accipitridae Genus: Haliaeetus Species: H. leucocephalus
3.Characteristic Structures Bird Group It is a warm blooded animal. It has wings to make it fly. It lays eggs and it has feathers. Lungs Click here to see a video of the bald eagle catching its prey.
4.How they defend, move and obtain resources They fly short distances and make abrupt turns. They move quickly and can go as fast as 100 mph when trying to catch food. They are hunters that prefer fish, small mammals, rabbits and deer fawn. They fly over seas and scoop down to grab fish using their claws. When thirsty they dip their beaks in the water.
5. Respond in Temperature It is a endothermic animal. An endothermic animal is a warm blooded animal. When the it is hot, they perch in the shade, pant, and hold their wings away from their body. When it is cold outside, their down feathers keep them warm and there feet are cold resistance.
6. Physically Respond to Stimuli A bald eagle blinks and pants. Blinking is the closure of the eyes and is automatic. Panting is deep breaths that allow excess extra heat to leave the body. They blink to keep there eyes wet. They pant because they are tired or hot.
7.Stimuli That Makes Your Animal Act Different When a bald eagle lives near a water source that freezes, it will act differently because they will have to migrate to a different water source.
8. Internal Stimuli Hunger-When it is hungry, it will fly down to the water to catch fish. Thirst- It will go down to the river and drink the water. Sleep- It will sleep in the trees when it’s tired.
9. Inherited or Learn Behavior The bald eagle learns to catch fish and hunt from their parents. Laying eggs, fly, crying and squawking for food are an inherited behaviors.
10. Interesting Facts It is the national bird and symbol of the United States of America. It prefers habitats near any water source abundance of fish. Migration generally takes place during the daytime, when thermals are produced by the sun. They were endangered because of pesticides, such as DDT, that were later banned in the US. DDT is a chemicals made the eagle eggs very fragile, causing them to break when the eagles attempted to sit the nest.
11. References Animal By: Don E. Wilson Page 287, 288 http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=bald+eagles+eggs&view=detail&id=024CF9417145EA102BD152BF10BD53D1BE5EFCEC&first=61&FORM=IDFRIR&qpvt=bald+eagles+eggs&adlt=strict http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bald_Eagle Animal By: Don E. Wilson Page 287, 288