Industrial Research and Open Source – Reasons and Judith Bishop and Arun Kalyanasundaram Microsoft Research
OSS is a development methodology Users as developers Early release Frequent integration Several versions High modularity Dynamic decision making
OSS is a Licensing Model 5/14/2018 OSS is a Licensing Model License Approved by Open Source Initiative (OSI) Right to Copy, Modify and Redistribute No Representations or Warranties Redistribution triggers certain licensing obligations Development Subset License Model © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Aspects of Open Source At different times, and with various products, industrial companies Create and open source software Use open source software, under license Contribute to open source software Repositories Creators Users Contributors
Python is open source software inside Visual Studio Code edition of VS is on MacOS, Linux and free to students Visual Studio contains 150 licenses to open source software
Open source at Microsoft Research A growing trend since 2014 Now have 50+ projects with 40+ researchers backing Projects aimed at academia, developers, Microsoft products Challenges Solutions Potential users cannot find projects Portal with classified projects Difficulty accessing code Moving projects to GitHub for uniformity
What Microsoft Research offers Tools for specialized domains Connections to researchers Project Directory Categories Verification Cryptography Visualization Programming Cloud Computing Education Artificial Intelligence Hardware Systems Science Documents Society
The Portal at Industrial Research and Open Source – Reasons and
Why Open-Source *Projects had more than one motivation July 22, 2012 Distinguished Lecture, UC Irvine, February 2016
Unforseen Benefits of Open-Source Improve Portability (Cross-Platform) Improve Usability Community Driven (A few projects are maintained by the community) Increase adoption Self-Document July 22, 2012 Distinguished Lecture, UC Irvine, February 2016
Number of Contributors vs Project Stage LARGE CONTRIBUTORS MEDIUJM SMALL New Evolving Stable Community Winding Down Inactive Project Stage July 22, 2012 Distinguished Lecture, UC Irvine, February 2016
Number of Users vs Project Stage LARGE USER BASE MEDIUJM SMALL New Evolving Stable Community Winding Down Inactive Project Stage July 22, 2012 Distinguished Lecture, UC Irvine, February 2016
Status of Projects Using Github Data Microsoft (MS) and Outside MS contributions depend on the stage of the project. (Analyzing Github Commit Data) Non-MS contributions are lower but MS contributors working hard to build the community. MS and Non-MS contributions are almost equal MS contributions reducing but community taking over *Sqrt scale helps better visualize the skewed data July 22, 2012 Footer text here
$15,000 in prizes, plus trips to Redmond and the chance for internships Winners used DSSM, Microsoft Cognitive Services, Z3 and CNTK
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Why Open-Source (Actual Data) Ease of Collaboration Prevent project from dying Increase trustworthiness Get more Contributions Involve the community from start Serve the Community Reproduce Results Improve Quality Increase adoption Self-Document Attract Developers Faster turnaround Make it more portable Increase internal users Request from users 1 IDD Scientific Dataset Madoko CNTK PXT Z3 DSSM Orleans Automata Toolkit Chakra Core .Net Core WinApp Driver MSAGL 2 Scalable Joins .Net MF SEAL Document Translator LEAN RoomAlive Ironclad F# 3 F* Code Contracts TPM Typescript 4 Codalab 5 6 Roslyn 7 July 22, 2012 Distinguished Lecture, UC Irvine, February 2016