Troy Flaherty NCLIN 411 Spring 2016 Salary Negotiations Troy Flaherty NCLIN 411 Spring 2016
You Get the job offer… Now what? Ask for some time to think about your decision, just to make sure it’s indeed the right thing for you. Ask about benefits and salary, if they haven’t told you already. Dont let salary be an obstacle. If youre asked early on what your salary needs are, you should respond with something like, I need to know what the job entails before I can state my salary requirement or At this point, my salary requirements are negotiable. Im more interested in finding out if the jobs right for me and if Im the right person for the job.
Prepare Do Research Salary at other institutions Cost of Living Tuition Reimbursement Vacation time Benefit costs and coverage Taxes Taxes (Outside of WA thinking about Income Tax and etc)
Consider what you are looking for length of orientation reputation of the hospital room for advancement Residency Program and specifics Mentorship programs Leadership Programs Continuing Education Package
Sell Yourself Clinical Experience Clinical Stories and Personal Stories Practice Interview Questions Dress and Act professional
Formulate a Budget what is the amount you minimally have to have in order to survive? Don’t forget upcoming student loans What is the amount you need to be comfortable?
Ways to start the Negotiation process: “Thank you so much for your offer. I am excited at the prospect of working at ______, but after doing some research on cost of living and considering my experience in _____ (be specific), I’ve realized that with my experience I would like a salary of _____.” (Be specific).
Suggestions: building your case with specifics. let them know why you warrant more money. highlighting your experience in nursing or previous somewhat relevant work experience in another field.
Please Note: Salary negotiation for entry level RN positions usually isn’t too successful. Many hospitals have a standard pay rate and won’t be able to budge on that. Unionized positions may not allow salary negoatiations.
It can’t hurt to try!
Resources: Entry Level RN Salary in Seattle: Pay Scale .com Seattle-WA Glass Door .com,7_IM781_KO8,24.htm How to negotiate the salary you want: Top 5 Salary Negotiation Mistakes: Can I ask for more as a new grad: