Gulf Power Economic Symposium Entrepreneurial Development Growing Northwest Florida’s Entrepreneurial Tech Ecosystem Steve Millaway CEO, TechFarms Gulf Power Economic Symposium Panama City Beach, FL October 2-4, 2016
- Reduce our dependence on Military & Tourism Why Grow Our Entrepreneurial Tech Ecosystem? Diversify our Economy - Reduce our dependence on Military & Tourism Create Higher Paying Jobs - Stimulates local economies, higher tax base Help Attract Larger Firms - Lack of skilled workforce deters larger firms - A Catch-22 situation: organic growth is essential Help Retain & Attract Talent
- K-12, colleges, universities, tech schools, on the job Growing Our Entrepreneurial Tech Ecosystem STEM Education - K-12, colleges, universities, tech schools, on the job Hands-on Experience & Mentoring - Incubators, coworking & maker spaces, internships Ideas, Inventions, Intellectual Property - Develop closer ties with colleges & universities - Tech transfer opportunities with regional Military facilities Access to Capital
Tech Transfer Example
- Fund I - tech startups in Alabama, Georgia, & Florida New Angel Fund for Northwest Florida … Two Funds - Fund I - tech startups in Alabama, Georgia, & Florida - Fund II - tech startups specifically in Northwest Florida Private Equity Firm, Limited Partnership Model - Investors invest, managing directors manage fund Launch Date: Nov. 1st, 2016
Hatching Entrepreneurs