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Section B Period Two. born ability create brain active attention v. 出生; adj. 天生的 n. 能力;才能 v. 创造;创建 n. 大脑 adj. 活跃的; n. 注意;关注 Words Review connect overnight.
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Inventions Unit 18 Inventions What will you think of next?
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Presentation transcript:


A quiz How much do you know the inventors and inventions?

Paper, printing, gunpowder and ___ are 4 great inventions in ancient China. balance compass abacus

2. ___ isn’t Thomas Edison’s invention. Telephone Light bulb Record player

3. George Stephenson made the first train using a steam engine in ___. B. 1725 C. 1825

4. _____ is called “Father of Car”. A. Rudolf Diesel B. Karl Benz C. Thomas Edison

5. ___ is called “ Father of Dynamite (炸药)”. A. Alfred Nobel B 5. ___ is called “ Father of Dynamite (炸药)”. A. Alfred Nobel B. Albert Einstein C. Alexander Bell

6. Marconi (马可尼) invented the first ____ in the world. A. TV B. Radio C. Typewriter

7. ____ invented the first airplane. A. Wright Brothers B. Henry Ford C. Benjamin Franklin

inventors Some good qualities that inventors probably have creative curious intelligent inventors careful brave determined diligent imaginative Which one do you think is the most important for an inventor? Why?

Discussion Are some people born creative, or is it possible to learn how to be creative? 2. Do you have to be very intelligent to be an inventor?

Scanning and understanding 1. Creative thinking is about ______. A. changing habitual thinking B. having a higher IQ or being smart C. getting high test scores D. doing well at school 2. “Thinking outside the box”, here the underlined part refers to______. A. “impossible” or “crazy” solutions B. a complete answer C. the old thought patterns D. partial solutions and failures 3. Sometimes, if you look at a problem only in one way, you may_____. A. think outside the box B. find the hidden solutions C. not be able to solve the problem D. not know how to make a model 4. If we connect new information with only one area of our previous knowledge, we may_______. A. limit our creativity B. come up with ideas for new inventions C. discover new possibilities D.. Have good thinking strategies 5. This passage is mainly about_____. A. great thinkers and inventors B. how to be more creative C. how to be a smart student D. how to be a great inventor ○ ○ √ √ √

Listen and answer the following questions according to the passage. 1. How can we become more creative? 2. What does “Think outside the box” mean? 3. What is “ Take another look at it?” 4. What does “Make connections” mean? 5. What does “Keep trying” mean?

By thinking about the way we think and ____________. To _________ to solve a problem. To look at a problem in __________. ① Trying to combine ____________ in as many different ways as possible. ② ____________ ideas and objects in new ways. Success is no accident. ① the result of a long process of _____. ② for each new invention that works, ______________ (work).

When we cut a corner from a square-shaped desk with four corners, how many corners are left? Five. Think outside the box A plane crashed. Why was nobody in the plane injured? All the people in the plane died.

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Take another look at it

Post-reading: Tick the sentences that are true according to the text and correct the false ones. 1 ( ) Most inventors have high IQs. 2 ( ) It is impossible to learn how to be creative. 3 ( ) The things we know can sometimes make it more difficult for us to understand new ideas. 4 ( ) The best way to find a good solution is to look for one good answer. 5 ( ) The more ways we have of looking at a problem, the more likely it is that we can find a solution. 6 ( ) Inventors try to avoid failure. 7 ( ) Most good ideas are the result of a long process of trial and error. F T F T F T

Fill in the blanks with the proper words __________is a matter of habits. In order to be more creative, we should think about how we think and practise good ___________________. To “____________________” is a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns in order to explore new possibilities. A change in perception – to ____________________ the problem may result in good solutions and new ideas. Comparing and ___________ ideas and objects in new ways is a possible success to new inventions as well. Good ideas are no accident. They are the result of a long process of _______________ . To develop our creativity, we can try using some of the thinking strategies of the great and famous. Creativity thinking strategies think outside the box take another look at connecting trial and error

Summary and Homework Discuss: *Try to retell the passage *P.60: Ex.2 How to be more creative? Discuss: How do some people come up with ideas for new inventions? Think about the way we think and practise good thinking strategies Think outside the box Take another look at it Make connections Keep trying *Try to retell the passage *P.60: Ex.2 Try using some of them

Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases How do people (1) _______ ideas for inventions? They have used their creativity and imagination to change the world. Creativity is a matter of habits. In order to be more creative, we should think about how we think and practise good thinking strategies. To “think outside the box” is a conscious effort to (2) _________ old thought patterns in order to explore new possibilities. Inventors often rephrase a problem to (3)_______ creative solutions. If we look only for the correct answer and reject other possible ideas, we may (4)________. A change in perception – to take another look at the problem may result in good solutions and new ideas. Combining new and old ideas in as many different ways as possible is a possible success to new inventions as well. Great thinkers (5)________ that. Good ideas are (6)________. They are the result of a long process of (7)________. To develop our creativity, we can try using some of the thinking strategies of the great and famous.

Language points of reading part: 1.be born+ adj./n. He was born blind. She was born a singer. No man is born wise. 2.come up with Can scientists come up with ways of predicting tsunamis(海啸)?

limit our thinking limit v. limit the expense to 1.000 dollars Mother limits the amount of food that I eat.

allow for: include sb. or sth. in one’s calculation 考虑到 ; 顾及 It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays. considering, given

The car got stuck in the mud. get/be stuck The car got stuck in the mud. The mid-aged man got stuck deeply after his company was bankrupted.

reject vt. rejection n. He rejected my offer of help. He tried to join the army but was rejected.

partial adj. 部分的, 局部的 The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。 move towards means “look for”

Translate the last sentence into Chinese: 创造性思维就是摆脱旧的思维模式以探索新的可能性的自觉能力。 a conscious effort 自觉能力 old thought pattern 旧的思维模式

Take another look at it Paragraph three: 换个角度看问题 a change in perception 改变观念

1. How can the creative thinkers find the solutions that would otherwise remain invisible? By looking at a problem in as many ways as possible. as…as possible = as…as sb. can 尽可能早来。 为了赶上那公交车,他拼命地跑。

Come as early as possible. He ran as fast as possible in order to catch the bus. otherwise adv. 否则 ;不然 (or) ;以另外的方式 (in another way);不同地(differently) adj.另外的; 别样的;其他方面的

He is noisy, but otherwise a nice boy. We were going to play football, but it was so hot that we decided to do otherwise. 我们原打算踢足球,可是天很热,我们就决定干别的了。 He is noisy, but otherwise a nice boy. 他爱吵闹,但在其他方面倒是一个好孩子。

Some are wise, some are otherwise. 有的人聪明, 有的人不聪明。 conj. 否则, 不然 Seize the chance, otherwise you will regret it. 要抓住机会, 否则你会后悔的。

2. What similarity between the first two thinking strategies is mentioned in this paragraph? As with thinking outside the box, the process includes a series of different attempts and several false starts. as with: like 正如……一样 process n. 过程 attempt n. 尝试 v. to try

As with drawing a picture, you should be patient and careful in doing this job. attempt n. + at, on, to do in one’s attempt to do sth.力图,试图 make an attempt at sth./ to do sth.打算,试图 make an attempt on sth. 试图夺取

She made an attempt to cook the dinner. 她试着做这顿饭。 attempt v. (常与to连用)企图;尝试 attempt to carry out a plan 试图执行某一计划 我试图在一小时内读完整本小说。 I attempted to read the entire novel in one hour.

3. If you look at a problem with a new way, what are you likely to get? improve our understanding discover new possibilities possibility n. 可能性,可能,可能的事 the possibility of success the possibility of rain

There is a possibility of his coming for Christmas. Is there any possibility that he will be elected chairman? there is a possibility of doing sth there is a possibility that + clause.

Paragraph four Make Connections 联想

connection 连接;联系,关系 Do you believe that there's a connection between smoking and heart disease? 你相信吸烟与心脏病有关系吗? in connection with 关于,与…想关联 the problems in connection with agriculture = the problems about…

You are in connection. 给你接通了(电话)。 Connect vt., vi.(常to, with与连用)连接;结合;连结 Will you connect this wire to the television. 你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?

接通电话 Connect me with Beijing University. 给我接北京大学。 Translate the second sentence into Chinese. 不幸的是,我们常常容易因为仅仅联系以前所学知识的某一方面而局限了新思维产生的可能性。

Question 1: How did the great thinkers deal with the problem that we will limit some possibility? be aware of 知道, 意识到 become aware of 发觉, 注意到

I was not aware of the fire. 我没有意识到火。 We were quite aware (of) how you would respond to our terms. 我们十分清楚你们对我们提出的条件肯定会有什么反应。 He was aware that what he was wrong.

Question 2: What are the results of comparing and connecting ideas and objects? think of 想出,想到 think about 考虑 think over 仔细考虑, 重新考虑 think through 思考...得出结论

application n. 申请; 应用, 运用 an application for a job 求职书 application for insurance 投保单 The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually increases efficiency. 把新的科学发现运用到工业生产上,通常可以提高效率。

apply v. I want to apply for the job. to apply a nickname 用绰号 apply theory to practice 涂,敷,抹 Apply medicine to his wound. 在他伤口上涂药。

Paragraph five Keep Trying 不断试验

Translate the last sentence into Chinese. 我们日常所用的东西就是由看到了他的思路与世界上已经存在的事物或系统之间的相似点的那些人发明出来的。

How did the good ideas come out? Question one: How did the good ideas come out? be no accident : not happen by accident a long process of trial and error 长期反复实验 on trial 在试验中; 在受审中 He succeeded on the ninth trial.

Question two: As we all know, most scientists and inventors are productive. But did they only produce best ideas? productive adj. 多产的 a great many, a great number of, a good many of (+ these/those) a large amount of + 不可数名词

force somebody to do something 不要强人所难。 Don’t always force others to do what they are not likely to do. did not feel inspired 觉得没有灵感 work v. 行得通,能运转 The plan won't work? How so? 这个计划行不通吗?怎么会的?

Question: Do thinkers who have changed the world have much in common? Answer: No. they come from different cultures and have different backgrounds and few did well at school.

Q: What do you think is the most important think about Creativity? getting high test scores? having a high IQ? IQ is short for “intelligence quotient” EQ : emotional quotient being smart?

Question 2: Why do the inventors often rephrase a problem? To allow for creative solutions and try “impossible” or “crazy”. creative solutions 创造性的解决办法